Life Boats

    Yesterday started out kinda lousy- just about every part of my body hurt from this damned fibromyalgia nonsense.  I was also concerned for my daughter, who was away for a few days with her boyfriend and family and would soon return to a cat sicker than just a few days before, her much loved Phoebe.. a cat she had adopted from a shelter several years earlier.  in the past month she had developed an aggressive mouth cancer.  Surgery would mean removing her lower jaw and then chemo and radiation.  Prognosis, 6 months.  K made the wise decision not to torture the cat with all that nonsense, but that meant soon, a time would come to end her misery.  
    The husband suggested we go down to the cottage after farm chores were done – to cut the grass and chill out for a while.  We did just that.  The humidity had disappeared and the temps were in the high 70’s, lovely breezes.  As soon as I saw the water, I decided to get in it.  Donned that bathing suit again!.. ( so proud of my new resolve to live every day fully and without apologies for my less than perfect self. That is SO silly and a waste of time – if you’re doing it too, stop.  Be. Do. LIVE). 
  The water was so refreshing, my muscles eased as my body relaxed into the salt water.. and I floated.  Stared up at the sky and said.. whatever will be, will be. Let go or be dragged – so I let go. 
   We sat on the platform as the water lapped at our feet (high tide) and the neighbor asked if we’d like to hop on his little boat and head out to tour the Thimbles…. and So We Did.   What a treat!  With the wind in our hair and the salt spray on our face, we cruised out and then slowly motored through the thread of islands – a fascinating place with so many houses, all different styles, and beautiful rock outcroppings – a few bridges spanning one island to the next too…  These pics below are not mine – taken from the internet as I had no camera onboard… 

      It was the shot in the arm I needed – a life boat for the day.  We came home refreshed.  
    Today, I accompanied my daughter to the veterinary hospital with her beloved cat. She made a very humane and selfless decision to end the cat’s suffering, even though she would miss her terribly and hated to let her go.   The veterinarian and her staff were so caring, so compassionate.  Another life boat. Miss Phoebe is now resting eternally among the pines on the side of this old house,  with no more pain.   My daughter is hurting, but grateful for the ability to release Phoebe from that awful disease. 
Rest easy, Phoebe girl.  In your last years you knew love. 
Spoiled, pampered, Love.  That – is a beautiful thing.