Life Lessons

Without going into detail,
because it’s not my story to tell…
Sometimes horrible things happen in a life
that we have no control over. ..
things you didn’t see coming at all.
Many of us know all too well that a life can go sideways in 60 seconds or less.
If you ever find yourself in a situation where
things look bleaker than bleak,
I will give you the  words that you should conjure…
 this is what an ICU nurse once said to me..
No matter what you are facing… there is always HOPE.
You just have to BELIEVE.
 Sounds too simple, doesn’t it?
At the time I clung to every  single word coming out of her mouth,
because it was my lifeline.  I let her know that later.
But besides all that… she was absolutely right.
It’s hard to see when you’re in the dark hole of
despair and frightened beyond the beyond. 
Believe it though, because it’s true.  
Things are going well with these two…..
he’s the seasoned school teacher
and she’s the eager student.

LIFE… is good.

22 thoughts on “Life Lessons”

  1. I know that "rug pulled out from under me feeling" very well. I guess it's just called life, but I've learned that the sun indeed comes up everyday. Right now our family is facing the big C, a cousin is fighting the battle. Everything else we can cope with, except illness. Enjoy each day and the blessings of family… you know the secret well Karen!

  2. ah, yes… can go sideways in 60 seconds or less……pretty much describes how my head hit that rock last 8/11/11, and how since then, my life has indeed gone sideways.
    But I do have hope, and every day the sun comes up.
    I do believe. I can get better. There is life after this.

  3. Lovely to see her thriving! And you too!! What doesn't kill us just makes us stronger but that doesn't make it easy going through it at the time, does it?

  4. Great words of wisdom. We all hang by a thread, and that can change in a flash. When it does we do have to believe and have hope. Here's too a good upcoming week. ((((hugs)))

  5. Oh, I can so relate! I'm hanging onto hope right now,yes, by a thread– but today I feel like I'm unraveling! All issues with adult kids — all 3 of them at the same time! Heaven help me! I mean it!

  6. You know I take those words to heart and I think they bear repeating- so glad you shared them here today. THEY look fabulous together!

  7. Hope is about the only thing that's kept me going, when things have been bleak. Without hope, I don't know that I would have had a reason to go on.

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