Little Free Library

 We installed the Little Free Library yesterday!  After much thought I decided it would be put to better use located on a community property where there is more traffic.  Parmelee Farm gave us permission to install it next to their community garden gate.  I received some very thoughtful contributions from my blog buddies and I want to thank you for enriching our little library.

   I’d like to take this opportunity to thank my husband of almost 25 years for supporting my animal and community efforts. I couldn’t do it without him, and I will always be grateful.

To learn more about the Little Free Library movement..
click HERE
To learn more about Parmelee Farm..
click HERE
It’s supposed to reach 80 degrees in Connecticut today…
I am doing a happy dance.  Have a good day, all –
– Karen

16 thoughts on “Little Free Library”

  1. I love it ! I will send book or two I promise ! 🙂 80 that's great ! Lets all hope spring is here to stay ! Have a wonderful day k

  2. Karen I am so proud of you with this lots of people talk about doing such good things like you do but they are just talk.(sometimes I am one of them) but you …OMG you are such a good citizen and people are lucky to have you in there team ….=love dee x

  3. This is such a great addition to Parmelee Farm! Thanks to you, Mike, and Tim for all you do there for us k-towners to enjoy! We really are lucky to have this place! Psyched too with this warm weather… see you soon for our walk 🙂

  4. OMGosh, Karen- I just realized that I had completely forgot to send you a book. Is it too late???? DUH-My winter has been a wicked one- xo Diana

  5. I also forgot, and I'm sorry.

    That is just the cutest little library. It's wonderful that hubby supports you, but I'm sure you do the same for him. 🙂

  6. Yay you did it! Its so cute too- I hope it goes over really well and can't wait to hear your thoughts on how it goes 🙂

  7. Karen – your Little Free Library is beautiful… hope it gets lots of users.
    80's in NJ too today as well as PA where I was visiting my daughter.

  8. Thanks Karen and Mike for all your support of our efforts at Parmelee Farm. We wouldn't be as far along as we are, without both of you…..Karen and your great ideas serving on the Parmelee Farm Steering Committee, and Mike being so generous with helping out with equipment and personel to complete our many tasks to bring the farm back to life……good citizens you are…thanks!

  9. It's just great my friend! And I enjoyed reading the comment above mine. You and your family are such an asset to your community! I'm so glad we are friends! What a difference you make!

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