Little Free Library

    I saw this on FB the other day, and I loved the idea so much I asked if this could be my b-day present. The Mr. said yes. Soooo… I’ve ordered one, and it will soon be out in front of This Old House, next to the vegetable cart we are apparently resurrecting this summer.  If you’re a local and you know where I live, feel free to borrow, keep or donate a book any time. I’ve been such an avid reader over the years, I have hundreds of books.  What a great way to share!… and even though there is a library here in town, encouraging the practice of reading, unplugging from our gadgets,…. it can’t be a bad thing.   My Little Free Library will be located  on the road at the second driveway  (brown barn entrance). Help yourself!

“Little Free Library was started in 2009 by Todd Bol of Hudson, Wisconsin, who decided that giving away books from his private collection would serve as a fitting tribute to his mother, a teacher. With the help of a community outreach expert, Bol was able to spread the concept. Now there are almost 18,000 library stewards as Bol calls them, who have registered their own Little Free Libraries in 45 states and dozens of countries. Each owner pays a $25 to the nonprofit organization to get a sign and a number, and to be on the locator map at

It’s a beautiful thing

23 thoughts on “Little Free Library”

  1. What a brilliant idea. I wish I lived nearer to you so I could donate some books. Where I live I have no place to put one of those up.
    Happy early birthday.

  2. This is such a great idea, Karen. I love that you joined in. If I had my own little library here I'm sure I would be breaking some sort of ordinance. To avoid having to get a permit, some neighbors set up tables near the curb with "Free Books" on a sign. I am thinking of doing that.


  3. This is a great idea!! I just checked the map on your link, and there's a Little Free Library about 10 miles from me in Falmouth. I will swing past there next time I'm going to town and take a picture of it.

  4. That is great! I just found out that there is one about a mile from my house, across from a park. It looks like they mostly have kids books. What a great idea!!

  5. Like everyone who reads this post…this is such a wonderful wonderful idea. I have about 6 cars pass my house each day, I wonder, should I do it? So great, I love the different style libraries you posted. So cool, if I head that way, I'm bringing some books.

    This is probably actually more what Ben Franklin ( who started the public library) had in mind. Just great.

  6. Hey Karen! This is an awesome idea!! I LOVE the Cedar Sunrise one!! It is very cool!! What a great birthday present for you to give to your community!!

  7. What a brilliant idea! I LOVE to read and always try to encourage others (my hubby included!) to pick up a book and either learn something new or get lost in a good story.

    Hope the locals will enjoy it!

  8. Aw, we have a couple of these in our neighborhood in Milwaukee! Love them. But a fancy neighborhood on the wealthier north end of town recently banned them out of fear of what kind of out of control construction people would create. People need to trust a little more and not fear imagination.

  9. I do love this idea and all those absolutely adorable libraries! I have to show this to my librarian daughter:)

    I have never seen one of these but our boat yard has a "Leave One – Take One" Book shelf. I think it is about the same idea and there are always all kinds of books in it.

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