Love is…

If you’ve been reading my blurbs here
at This Old House for a while
you will remember Jeff.
He’s my husband’s dear friend
and This Old House’s restoration guru.
His lovely wife
threw a 50th birthday party for him last night
in a building he made for her behind their lovely home
She has a way with this sort of thing…

There was a basket of these for all…
She calls him her Viking
because of his nordic heritage
and he kinda looks like one too.

They’ve been together since their High School days…
raised a business and a family together
Had their share of sh*t hitting the fan
and still…
love each other with reckless abandon.
 Happy 50th  Birthday, Jeff

22 thoughts on “Love is…”

  1. Beautiful photo's, Karen. Love really is all the things you mention for a happy marriage (not that I would know). 🙂

    Your new background is great, and the header too!

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