Lucky Egg

A rather large egg was found in the hen house the other day…
Me:… which chicken do you think laid THAT egg??

Him:  The one that’s walking funny.

Regarding eggs produced at home…
Notice the rich deep orange color of the yokes?
Compare them to the color of your store bought eggs.
If they are from a chicken factory, not local or organic, you will see they are pale in color.
Did you know, that in two weeks time the yolk begins to lose it’s nutritional value?
Mass produced eggs age varies. Their expiration dates tell you that they can sit
in the grocery store for weeks, and that’s after they’ve been delivered.
Also, the conditions those chickens live in is pretty horrifying.
The funny thing?  My mother in law is grossed out by home raised chicken eggs.
So is another friend of ours. Both are egg eaters and health conscious. 
Now, I keep a clean coop and run, and my chickens are healthy happy girls.
Who’s egg do YOU trust to eat…
or theirs.
Just sayin.

14 thoughts on “Lucky Egg”

  1. You don't have to say a thing….anyone with half a brain gets it. We try to buy our eggs locally…….I think people who raise their chickens that way are gonna have some really nasty karma.
    Just saying.

  2. Every day I watch my chickens and love that they are enjoying their lives. And then I thank them for the eggs when I gather them. They really are quite amazing creatures with funny little personalities. And people love the eggs we give away.

  3. Definitely yours!

    We lived in Alaska for years beginning in the late 1950's. The first time I remember being exposed to a real egg when we lived in Kentucky, I remember telling my mother it was way too orange and tasted funny!

    I have since learned to appreciate them!

  4. That reminds me of what my husband sometimes says about the cost of eggs. "It's not worth the wear and tear on a chickens butt."

  5. That egg is a beauty as are your chickens! I LOVE eggs especially farm fresh ones! I go through 2 dozen a week and buy from someone in town that has 18 chickens! How many eggs are yours producing now?

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