Made in America

    Some internet searching today revealed two sites with a grand idea.  If you live anywhere near Albany, NY.. or more importantly Elma, NY have you seen this store yet?

Made in America Store  ..900 Maple Road….Elma, NY 14059

716.652.4USA (4872)

The Made in America Store , (which opened on April 3, 2010). Located just 20 minutes from Buffalo and less than an hour from Niagara Falls, NY, it is the only general merchandise store in the country that sells 100% American Made Products, down to the packaging. Our mission is to restore U.S. manufacturing jobs by providing American consumers a brick & mortar store and e-commerce site that guarantees that each product sold is entirely American in materials and labor.

They also do THIS:  At the Made in America Store, we pay the sales tax for our customers. We also honor our active duty members of the U.S. military and our veterans by offering a 5% discount on every purchase, every day.

 I looked at some of their online merchandise, and while there isn’t as much available on line as I’d like to see, from the looks of the photos on their site, the actual store appears to hold much more merchandise.  I’ve decided I’m going to give their jeans a try. 

At $30, if they’re made well, I’ll be happy with the price.  If any of you live near that town and you get the urge to do a little exploring, stop in the shop and let me know what you thought of the experience.  I LOVE the concept.  I hope it flies.

Here’s another site to check out…
THis is what they have to say….

This site is dedicated to help you find American Made Products. Let’s keep our jobs home, lets pressure retailers to sell more products Made in the USA, lets ask companies to quit outsourcing
support jobs overseas, and lets watch over our school systems to ensure we are turning out the next great generation.

This site is not about Red States, or Blue States, it is about one big Red White and Blue Nation. Back when our brave men and women went off to fight the war to end all wars, I doubt they ever
envisioned we would loose the battle in our stores, when they fought so hard to win on the battlefield.

We Americans find ourselves in another great battle, the battle for our industrial, technological, and support jobs. The enemy is different and comes in all forms. In forms like cheap Chinese goods. China is not the only struggle we have. And to be honest do you blame China for pouring goods into the US. We have a huge appetite for cheap goods, we enhance our lives because of cheap goods we may not be able to buy other wise. But we are not really getting ahead. Yes you can buy a DVD player for about $50.00 bucks, but what are we losing? We are losing a lot, and if you will take the time to explore our site I think you will be convinced if you are not already.

At this site we are not protectionist in the sense we wish to have politicians place restrictions on foreign goods, that would be foolish. Our goal is to convince Americans to spend a little more for our own goods. That little price difference keeps another American working.

Thank you for visiting our site.

 So, if you check these sites out and find them worthy,
 lets spread the word in the blogosphere.
I’m ordering those jeans tonight.
Buy American, and lets keep it going.

26 thoughts on “Made in America”

  1. Even though I live in Canada and like you looking to buy American made I am always looking to buy all Canadian.
    A couple of years ago my DH and I were vacationing in America, we were at a Crackle Barrel restaurant, I love the gift shops. I started looking to see if the merchandise was made in America. Guess what I found everything said made in China, I left the shop with nothing. It is so very sad. Hopefully we will be able to change the way we shop and get our people back to work!

  2. This is a great idea. Wish there were a store like that near me. I'm having a hard time finding toothpaste made in the USA. Some of them only list the distributor and not where made. Can't even get all the answers online. So far Pepsodent says Made in USA. Nancy

  3. I made sure my dog food was made in the USA. It was hard to find a good brand. We settled on Taste Of The Wild and it is made entirely in the US. Kind of expensive but I was afraid of buying anything made in China. It takes a lot of research to find American made products.

  4. I had no idea that the merchandise in Cracker Barrel was made in China! I think corporate headquarters at Cracker Barrel needs to hear from people who want to buy U.S. made! I have stopped buying anything from China!
    Just wanted to let you know about a great company right here in our city called Arkansas Flag & Banner. They have a and their flags are proudly made in the U.S.A. They have lots of other merchandise too and any information you might need to know concerning flag codes, etiquette, etc.

  5. Very cool store!
    I read something interesting in our Sunday paper today, originally published in the Los Angeles Times, "Things made in the USA still dominate the American marketplace, according to a new study by economists at the San Francisco Federal Reserve. Goods and services from China accounted for only 2.7% of US personal consumption in 2010 according to the report titled, "The US Content of 'Made in China'". It's an interesting article if you can find it somewhere, going on to say that, "88.5% of US spending last year was on American products and services."
    I was surprised at these figures.

  6. I loved this post……and I'm going to promote my Hip to Be Square Looper Loom to them!!!!!
    Made in America……right here in Hudson Falls, NY.

  7. I had heard about this store but didn't realize it was near Albany, which isn't all that far from me. I will have to visit it soon!


  8. I went shopping yesterday.. Made in Philippines, Made in China, Made in Vietnam.. not one stinking thing on the racks said Made in America. What a load of crap!

  9. so good to know about this store- they should be everywhere!
    for the 4th of July I began a hunt for American flag bunting… needed to be a certain size. That most of what is out there is made in China is just wrong…
    those jeans look great btw!

  10. I'm working on it, very carefully. It is taking some work, but I'm finding some stuff. It's about making choices. I find more and more folk ARE looking for quality items.

  11. What a great place!!!!!! Hurray! I hope their business flourishes.

    After 9/11, somebody decided we at work were all going to wear red on Fridays and camouflage on Saturdays, to show our support for our military. Do you know that out of all the shirts, scarves, pins, ties, hats, wristbands, etc at Walmart, NOT ONE was made in America? Even the American flag decals the post office gave us to put on our cars said MADE IN CHINA.

    Tsk tsk. And people wonder why we're in such economic trouble.

  12. It's not far from us at all….sounds like a day trip is in order! Perhaps in the late fall.

    It really IS a great idea….I think this is the store that they featured on ABC News with Diane Sawyer??

  13. Last week we had fun guessing where everything we bought at the LLBean store was made…not one thing was made in USA! Wha??

    If those jeans make me look like that I will buy several pair!

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