Making Hay and other stuff

  Sometimes a good post title just doesn’t come to me. Case in point above.   Anyway… despite all the rain and rain and more rain we’ve been getting, yesterday was a clear blue sky with a light breeze… good day for making hay.  The hay equipment was dropped off last week, pulled out yesterday and the fields were mowed.   Just before the rain returned for an evening shower, good enough to drench it.  

What it needs now is time to dry before it’s picked up with the baler.
Unfortunately, we’re supposed to get more rain later today.
Making hay ain’t easy.
Kinda like love.  There’s all those annoyances you’re not expecting, don’t ya know.
Anyway.. yesterday morning we woke to a Rosy glow at about 5:30 am…
The knockout roses matched the hue…
It’s my favorite time of  day, especially the early summer mornings
when most of the world is still sleepy
Up at the barn, Opie says…
this is NOT my best angle.
Senior Max and  mini Coady discuss the hay and rain situation…
Every day when I approach the barn I stop at the gate
to lay my hand on this heart rock.
Love lives here, at This Old House. 
Impatiens I planted at the chicken coop below.
I haven’t had to water them in weeks.
Henrietta, my lovely vintage mini Cochin out looking for bugs..
…While Snow, Dorothy and Autumn relax and take dirt baths under the pine tree 
in the front yard.  They are all here in this picture.
Do you see all three?  Look closely, all are actually touching in the picture.
Kudos to the person who sees all three correctly.
Snow is truly a beautiful chicken.
A large Cochin.
I’ll leave you today with my basket of flowers on the front steps.
I’m a big fan of something that says “welcome” at the entrance to a home or property.
Something that speaks of happiness.
When I see a home void of any kind of adornment,
I can’t help but think of it as a sad house.
Adornments don’t have to be extravagant…
it can be a little stone bunny with a small pot of geraniums..
or a sign that says Welcome..
or a flag, a wreath, anything that speaks to the occupant.
What speaks of YOU at your ‘front step’?.
It’s a new day all, make it a good one…
and as always, thank you for taking the time to stop by.