A milestone

   I picked up college girl and all her dorm stuff  yesterday… for the last time! Because… she is officially graduating… with honors.   How very proud I am of this young woman.  I’m going to take a moment to brag – because this girl of mine had to climb Mount Everest to get to where she is today.  Not only did she climb, she planted her Victory flag at the top and is looking to the next horizon. 

 You’re not just a miracle, kiddo….
You did this with much hard work and dedication.
The best gifts I’ve ever been given, right here.

31 thoughts on “A milestone”

  1. Congratulations to your daughter. We mothers have to brag occasionally when our children make us so proud of them.

  2. Congrats to college girl! !!!!!!!" I know your proud of her and glad there home for the holidays. Next time u see her start clapping and tell her its from the mckoins in N.C

  3. Congratulations to your beautiful daughter, I wish her all the best as she looks to the future! And your son cracks me up in that picture…so much like my son. Kids truly are the best gift!

    Kat 🙂

  4. Such awesome gifts you have there, Karen. I'm proud as punch for your girl, and all of you. Persistence, the key to success, and I'd say K is living proof. YAY!!!

  5. This is wonderful! I wondered why you had not been around your e-mails yesterday. Good reason to leave the computer stuff behind. She's a beauty, Karen, and a smart one at that! I know she will continue to make you proud throughout your life.

    Handome son too!

  6. Congratulations to your beautiful daughter and to her proud and loving parents.
    My granddaughter is also graduating this month.

  7. i wrote about one of my kids today, too…..it's amazing how our chests can puff out when they do us proud !!

    congrats on her graduation !!

  8. The HUGEST congratulations to you and your family! She has been raised well!!!

    I'm not sure if this comment will even be published, I have had trouble commenting lately (like on that gorgeous old house you guys are looking at) but I'm just so truly happy for your daughter, I thought I'd try again here!

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