
Another sweet face who will be at our adoption event next Saturday & Sunday…

Millie’s Info…

Breed: American Bulldog Mix Color: Gray/Blue/Silver/Salt & Pepper Age: Adult

Size: Med. 26-60 lbs (12-27 kg) Sex: Female

I am up to date with shots.
Millie’s Story…

She was left locked in a crate outside the pound.  Her behavioral traits – active, quiet, submissive, alpha etc.
 She is the SWEETEST dog ever. Gets along well with other dogs. Submissive.Has the cutest little jingle to her gait!! Approx 5yrs old. (can you imagine having a sweet dog like this  for five years and then leaving it in a crate at the pound’s door?)

 If you’re local, come see Millie and many many other shelter dogs next Saturday & Sunday at Parmelee Farm.  Also, don’t forget to stop by our Bid,Barter, Bake sale in front of Rocco Field Tomorrow 9-2.

24 thoughts on “Millie”

  1. Oh Karen, I am ashamed to say I forgot all about this event, even after promising to help. I'm so sorry…I've had one family emergency after another, but that's no excuse…I should have remembered this very important cause.

    Will there be another soon? I WILL donate a unique item if so.

    In the meantime, I am trying to donate cash here, but I can't find your widget, and when I try to DONATE HERE, it takes me to a PayPal page that doesn't exist!?

    Any ideas?

    I do so hope every one of these dogs finds a GREAT home. My heart goes out to Millie and all the others.

  2. Some people are just way too cruel to animals. She looks like a sweetheart and hope someone gives her a forever home.

  3. Dear Millie,
    You may think you did something wrong since your last owners gave you away, but life has something special planned just for you! It will be your heart's desire, kids to play with or a lap to lay in. There will be a warm bed, bowls just for you and best of all someone who will love you more than you have ever imagined. Good luck sweetie, be on the lookout for that new Master coming to get you this weekend! 😉

  4. I truly believe that there is a special ring in hell for people who abandon, mistreat or abuse animals – any animals. Certainly wish only the best for the up coming adoption festival and that you make a TON of money for rescue at the auction event. Hope each lonely dog and cat find their forever home this weekend.

    Best wishes,
    Martha (Mom to 3 rescue dogs, all who have stolen my heart forever)

  5. aw…Millie is PURTY. And NO…I cannot imagine leaving my dog in a crate on a doorstep. Kind of like leaving a baby! Where are these people's hearts? ARGH!
    xo, Cheryl

  6. Where is this event? I looked for a link. There was an event at the Westbrook Outlets not long ago. George would shot me if I got a dog but I'd be happy to send the info along.

    and no I can't imagine what kind of person could do such a thing to an animal.

  7. I didn't see the anonymous comment, but I can just IMAGINE what it said.

    I own an American Staffordshire Terrier, one of the bully-breeds targeted by media and ignorant peeps like your anonypuss commenter.

    I purposely adopted a dog like this. I went purposely to a rescue and picked my adorable George.

    He is by far, the sweetest dog I've ever owned. Loyal beyond belief, loving, smart, his only want in his day is to please us.

    Yet, I cannot believe, even from our own family, the ignorance and idiocy we've had to deal with.

    I've heard that he'll attack us in our sleep, he'll turn on us when we least expect it. I can stick my hand in his food dish while he's eating for crying out loud.

    Let's face it, this type of thinking is pervasive – towards some pets and certainly towards people.

    We can help by living by example and putting the ignorance in a trash bag and tossing it in the garbage can outside where it belongs.

    Apologies for the comment-jacking, but I wanted to, again, support your thinking and let you know that there are many more of us that do not think this way.

    Thanks Karen for being a champion of this issue.


  8. Good morning, my friend. Good for you on the letter to anonymous. Some people think they're smarter than the rest of us. I'm sorry you had to put up with this. 🙁

  9. I also didn't see the anonymous comment, but I hope that person sees your letter.
    What a sad thing, though, that Anonymous is unable to recognize pure love and trust and (a great number of) mankind to see through faults and focus on those sterling qualities.
    (By the way, I finally got the widget to work this morning!)

  10. Wow. Karen.
    I guess I missed it.

    Good for you — sticking up to this loser coward.

    Isn't it always the Anons who are brave enough to write their bs comments and then don't have the balls to sign their name to it and own it.

    I'm behind you gf,

  11. If the anonymous jackass wishes to debate me she is welcome on my blog. If she wishes to be enlightened she is welcome on my blog. If she wishes to actually educate herself there is an entire internet WAITING to give her the gift of knowledge. If she wanted to know the truth she would have sought it.
    No. Angry people like her just like to live in the dark and lash out at others.
    Ya know what, Anonymous? You are a wretched coward who, through your abject ignorance would allow good dogs to be killed. That makes you a fool as well…You WILL LOSE because you are wrong.

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