34 thoughts on “Misty Morn”

  1. Karen,
    How beautiful! Isn't it wonderful to walk in the hush of fog? Swirling around you, you feel ghost-like, too.
    How cool is it getting to be there, now? It is going to get down to 43 degrees this Thurs. & Fri. Brrrrrrrrrr! I'd better get my keeping room cleaned up!
    xo, Cheryl

  2. I think I can count the times on one hand that I remember it being foggy in Oklahoma.

    Love that first picture! So beautiful!

  3. Love coming here, what a great morning that must have been, I can think of worse ways to start the day. If I had to pick one, I'd go with the lone horse, something about that, really a peaceful shot. Another photographic learning experience for me.

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