Misty Morning

    I’ve been walking this walk  for about 15 years.  It’s a simple country road and usually my mind is in high gear as I  walk or jog along… the worries of the day,   problems that need solutions, planning the day ahead,  fretting over what I need to get done or shouldn’t have done, said or didn’t say.  Yesterday I tried not to do that, because I’ve realized I never give myself a break from it.  Being “in the moment”  doesn’t come easy to me but change is always possible.

  It’s amazing what you see if you just let yourself  look.  I had my iphone with me, and although the picture quality is poor, the point is in these pictures. 

 It’s easy to  be absorbed in the problems of the day and lose sight of what’s right in front of us to enjoy, in that very moment.  Here’s to just “being”….

 This is a little cottage at the side of the road that years ago was lovingly attended to by an older couple who  used it as a summer retreat from their urban life.  It sits unused and overgrown and I wish someone would love it again… sad to see it abandoned.  There are still rose bushes from an old garden…
raindrops on a web….
A horse waits for his hay and grain…
And a boy waits for his bacon…

14 thoughts on “Misty Morning”

  1. A nice, gentle reminder to be…here…now.

    Love this post, and all the ones before it.

    H –

  2. Thanks for letting us share your "in the moment." I also agree with DI that the idea of sharing your bacon is even more appealing. Breakfast meat is a rarity at my house.


  3. I think blogging has truly helped me slow down and notice what is around me in much more detail. I am also more apt to bring my camera with or use my cell phone to capture those moments. You are truly surrounded by a beautiful scenery! Including the bacon 🙂

  4. Karen,
    I always love your posts… you are beautiful in deed, soul and spirit… keep shinin' (my bacon boy and your bacon boy are quite a pair!)… ummm… now I want some BACON!!! Love xo Sally

  5. Oh! I just love that little cottage. How beautiful. I feel sad when I see abandoned houses too. I think there is so much beauty in them.

    What a beautiful blog you have with such lovely pictures. I hope you can do this more often and not worry about all the stress of life on your pretty morning walk. It is very serene.

  6. What a great post Karen. Love your creative spirit!! It's like walking meditation time…food for your soul!

    P.S. Does Ben go with you on your walks??

  7. Karen I love this post because that road has been my favorite in town for just about forever and we know my forever in this town started 47 years ago. Thanks for the pics and that cottage? Been wanting it my WHOLE life…

  8. Such a wonderful post, Karen. I need to "just be" more often; thanks for the reminder. Love the pictures. You have a wonderful place to walk. 🙂

  9. Your pictures made me feel like I was with you on your walk. Your sentiments about just being, are something I try to aspire to as well. In this crazy technological day and age, and as busy as we all get in our daily lives, it is so important to 'just be' sometimes. Thanks for the reminder!

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