Misty Morning on the Farm

 I am thankful every single day for the animals and farm that grace my life.  This morning I walked around with camera in hand and gratitude in my heart.   

… even for the  mouse family I discovered in a large bucket in the tack room, since relocated.

Opie looking for a peppermint treat

Lacey and Coady with morning hay

The Egg Plant
One of my originals and my favorite chicken, Rose.
She is the friendliest and lays light blue eggs –

The hens love to free roam and I allow it often.
Great bug control.

Andie is calling for her hen friend, Henrietta,  who is still in the nesting box
laying an egg… 
With Raven, apparently.
These are a few of the youngsters, not yet grown enough
to join the other hens.

Now that breakfast grain is finished, Opie and Max have gone out to pasture. 

At 27 years of age, Max is still in great shape.
Max is not a big fan of grain and hay… often not finishing his meals in winter.
He always fills out so much nicer in summer, when the pasture is rich.

Down at the house, the perennial gardens are in their forth year and are filling out nicely.

The vegetable gardens are planted and beginning to thrive.
It’s been a slow start. Weird weather, etc. 

Zinnia and Tomatoes in this bed.

Lettuce, onions, shallots, garlic, parsley and basil in the other.

My potted “Stuff” is very happy….
mostly begonias, which are so easy to keep happy.


The knockout roses suffered a blow from green worms…
thanks to Connie at Hartwood Roses I got info on how to treat it and they are gone.
But, the foliage is tattered.

Have a good weekend, all –  we’ve got another adoption event coming up.
More on that in the next post.  If you’re local and looking for a new family
member, have we got the dog for you!