Truly, my most cherished roll on this earth.
I’m grateful every single day that I have been blessed
 with two pretty terrific kids.
Today there is a magnolia tree planted next to This Old House.
 …a Star Magnolia..
 Mike and I went to the garden center yesterday
for some plants for our moms, and also for a few
more perennials for my “seaside real estate” garden.
This rock is a gift from my daughter last year…
and I love what it has to say.
It’s a clear reminder to find joy in each day we’re here.
This is a painted rock about the size of  a hand spread out..
I found it yesterday on the steps of a house one of Mike’s customers just bought.
 It’s going to be gutted and re-done.  
 The heart rock was left behind by the family who rented the house before the sale
and the house will be used by more renters.
I couldn’t leave it behind, as I knew it would end up in the dumpster.
I love that someone, probably a child, saw the heart shape in this rock
and painted it red, keeping it on the front steps for I don’t know how long.

 So back to Moms…
My mother and I were like oil and water when I was a young person. 
Now? I talk to her almost every day.  
Don’t want to imagine life without her in it.   
When I need an honest opinion, a shoulder to cry on,
a compassionate ear, She’s my  – go to –.
These days, it’s more like oil and vinegar… we make a nice salad dressing 🙂 
Our relationship has grown and flourished over the years..
weeds pulled and cherished things added as time rolls on,
just like my little seaside real estate garden.
Happy Mothers Day all,
and especially to my Mom. xo

22 thoughts on “MOM”

  1. Happy Mother's Day Karen…
    I love that you rescued the heart rock, it was waiting just for you.
    Moms and daughters… such a sometimes combustible relationship and at the same time the strongest of any.

  2. A beautiful magnolia! I've not seen one like it, and here where I am they grow wild.
    My mother and I have the same relationship as you and yours. We talk every night now, and I treasure the time because I see that I might not have as much time as I'd like with her.
    Don't forget how much your fur-babies treasure you also! My dogs let me sleep an extra three hours this morning! Much appreciated because I'm still fighting a chest cold!
    Happy Mother's Day to you and yours!

  3. Happy Mother's Day, Karen.

    I love your seaside garden; beautiful flowers, the stone that Kristen gave you, and the special little red heart. 🙂

    The tree is beautiful. And, it must have been a HUGE surprise. 🙂


  4. I love Magnolias too, although my yard no longer has room for any more additions that get large. The next house, though, will have one!

    I'm glad that you are close with your mother now. Yesterday I went plant shopping and garage saling with mine. We pretty much talk everyday.
    I think you might need a Japanese float for your garden…do you ever find them on the east coast? Well, not literally out on the beaches, but in shops?

    Happy Mother's Day!

  5. Happy Mothers day Karen! Very nice post and pictures.

    When I look at you standing by the tree and it's height now, I suggest that you take another picture with you and the kids standing next to it. Then look back 20 years from now and see how much the tree and your kids have grow…just a suggestion…..maybe include Mike also!!!


  6. happy Mother's Day to you too Karen. And you got your tree, with blooms no less. Stop bye my blog sometime and see the latest on whats going on in my world (I promise it's not political).

  7. I pray that my daughter and I don't get along like my mom and I did. We are close now but when I was a teen we were also like oil and water. My daughter is about to be 13 but she and I are very close! We have a heart rock collection that mostly came from our cabin in Colorado.

  8. You got your magnolia tree and I got butterfly bushes! (He remembered me mentioning them after you and I talked about them)

    Happy Mother's Day, Karen!

  9. Yay! You got your Magnolia tree!!! Happy Mother's Day! That Mom/Daughter thing can be tricky…took me a while to work it out but I'm cherishing my Mom now…plus having her live so long has given me some objectivity into my own history, and why I am what I am…Beautiful gardens, by the way! We are freezing up here…

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