
Well it’s a marvelous night for a moondance

With the stars up above in your eyes

A fantabulous night to make romance

‘Neath the cover of October skies

And all the leaves on the trees are falling

To the sound of the breezes that blow

And I’m trying to please to the calling

Of your heart-strings that play soft and low

And all the night’s magic seems to whisper and hush

And all the soft moonlight seems to shine in your blush

Can I just have one more Moondance with you, my love

Can I just make some more romance with you, my love

23 thoughts on “Moondance”

  1. Great shots! I had similar opportunities and both my iphone and my Canon betrayed me. Rather – I truly think I am not cut out to take good shots! Julie's iphone? Come on!!! I guess I should have used my car headlights. My Canon wouldn't even click for me. Can you say LOSER? It was the most beautiful kodak moment too. Snifffff…..nice job girlfriend!

  2. Wow, Karen, these are so so cool! I think your best moon shots yet! Really like the effects of the trees in the foreground, the last one is my fav!

  3. Karen! You're so gifted! Have I said that around a billion times by now?

    Aren't we lucky to share the same moon? 😉 'Tis a lovely sight indeed. The Northern Lights were dancing shades of green tonight and I was wishing I knew how to capture them on camera…I just need you to come north!

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