More about Chip & How to get your dog to stop pulling.

  Thanks to your generous donations, Chip went back to the vet for much needed Xrays of chest and Hip.  Turns out the hip looks fine and is just sore from being in a small metal crate while he was in Florida Kill Shelter and then vet down south.  *sigh?!*…. His lungs do not show signs of pneumonia… perhaps asthma from poor living conditions.  The meds that have to be applied to his skin appear to sting him when applied.. but they are necessary. He’s already been in Lorin’s whirlpool for Epsom salt and oil bath.   Here he is this morning, chewing on a donated nylabone.  She has beds in each room because he is still so emaciated he cannot comfortably lie on a hard floor.

So… How to get your dog to stop pulling when you go for a walk?    As you all know, Ben is a dane, which translates to BIG FREIGHT TRAIN pulling on little old me when we go for walks.  I hate choke collars, especially on a dane with very little coat hair.  Traditional harnesses tend to make them pull against it, hence more strain on the walker.  But THIS harness.. the Easy Walker… works like a charm.  I mean, there is NO pulling. None.  And.. it’s extremely humane. Nothing tugs at or pulls on the dog.  Something about the way it’s designed (actually clipped to the leash on the front chest portion of the rig) gives the dog the feeling that he CAN’T pull, so he doesn’t. Or something like that.   Ben has not pulled on me once since I started using this harness and it doesn’t seem to phase him at all to have it on.  It’s not tight, fully adjustable, and comes in different sizes. I got it at a feed & grain store.  ( I am not being paid to advertise this… it’s just a really good product so I don’t mind spreading the word. )

I think this might be upside down. 

Snaps at the front…
  No pulling. It’s amazing how it works.
This is the Parmelee Trail at Parmelee Farm.


All photos today brought to you by my iPhone
Steve Jobs, you were an amazing man. The World will miss you.  

18 thoughts on “More about Chip & How to get your dog to stop pulling.”

  1. I am stunned by Chip/Yodas' story. What a sweet soul. I have been so busy getting ready for my 3 day performance that I did not read about him until now. I will put feelers out this weekend while working. I work in such a lovely animal friendly place. Miss seeing you. 🙂

  2. thanks for the update on that poor, sweet pup (and the chance to donate to his healthcare costs!) and it's always nice to hear about a product that actually does what it is supposed to do. 🙂

  3. Peace out to you Ben! My boy Bentley sports a Harley Davidson collar. (Just a note that his owner does not sport a Harley Davidson, he just dreams of one)
    And another thing about the Feed and Grain store, do not buy Turnip seeds from them. I repeat do not buy their turnip seeds. I did. They don't produce turnips. The make nice turnips tops, they are sold for deer luring! And the feed store guy thought my blonde was real!

  4. Hugs to Chip!
    Thanks for the info on the harness. I'm embarassed to admit that I used to teach obedience class and have put several titles on dogs, but Attagirl will do some pulling when she sees another dog etc…. NEVER had one do this before! I was about to resort to a pinch collar but will give this a try.

  5. Must be hard for Chip to have meds applied that sting, since he has such huge, all over areas to deal with. Poor thing.

  6. It just makes my heart hurt all over again when I see that poor, poor baby! I can't imagine what he has been through in his short life. God bless you and everyone that is loving on him! xo Diana

  7. I think it`s a miracle that Chip has survived such an ordeal. I hope the stinging will soon be over and he can finally live a pain free life. What a sweet soul.


  8. I'm speechless…I look at little Chip's photos and just wanted to cry…so thankful he is doing well.

    I think I've seen those Easy Walk harnesses at our PetSmart close by…my German Shepherd doesn't pull a lot when we walk but if we're out in a crowded area with lots of people she gets really excited and it is difficult to control her without choking her…and I cannot do that. Thanks for the stamp of approval. 🙂

  9. Thanks for the update on Chip! I'm so thankful that he's coming along and receiving such good care!

    What a beautiful place for a walk! I'm glad you were able to enjoy the walk also without be 'pulled' along! It's always nice to find a product that works!

  10. I've been gone all week, so just catching up. What a story; inhumanity combined with humanity. So hoping Chip continues to get better. You and your friends are awesome, Karen.


  11. It is mind boggling what some of these poor animals go through.. Thank God there are still people who have humanity in the for people and animals.

    I Love that harness. My friend has a very active very strong totally untrained Lab pup that could use this..I wish she'd "donate" him to me, but that would means taking him away from her 3 small children, this dog is amazing..but so untrained I worry about him. (we are puppy sitting this weekend..he is about a year and a half)

  12. OH MY GOODNESS!! I mentioned above we were puppy sitting (for a year and a half oh about..40lb PUPPY) that is totally untrained and a puller!

    Well I knew I couldn't go out and find this halter today, so I thought..maybe if the leash itself is under the leg it will help.

    Well this little monster actually pulled me off my feet trying to get to our chickens, the first day we had him here…so the next time we took him out,my son had t hold him with us telling him to heel and stopping ever 2 seconds…
    So the next time we walked him after reading your blog, about the halter, I put the leash under his front leg sort of where the halter would go. I can not believe the difference..before this we always "untangled" them when they got it tucked under their leg…it was like night and day..I am looking for one of these halters and giving to to this owner (before this poor sweet dog is ruined)! I hope I can find it. I think I will get one for us too to, have on hand for sitting..
    I am looking tomorrow. So anyone out there with a puller, before you can get one of these halters, try putting the leash under the leg..I wouldn't think it would be a good thing to do for a long time but it sure works in a pinch…why didn't WE think of that!

  13. We also used a harness, can't remember the name, that worked like a horse bridle. Our first dog, Winson, pulled like crazy and when we put the harness on him, he was like a different dog. Oh, it was called a Haltie.

    Chip, bless his heart, will get stronger and better soon.


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