more horse, ofcourse….after a word from no one’s sponsor

Funny, this blog thing.
I understand that some folks stop by this little space of mine
for the pictures… the farm, the animals,
the recipes, the pleasantries.
But life and some of its elements ain’t always grand..
and my blog is a chronicle of life as I experience it.
On occasion I use this space to discuss a troublesome topic.
I like to know what you’re thinking too..
and in the recent case of  a certain politician, I expressed outrage.
I believe I have the right to do so, and not many will
argue that he doesn’t deserve some wrath.
Anonymous was so offended by that post that her first word was
WOW and her last was GOOD BYE.
She  visited for the pictures of the property and roses. 
I can tell you that I never intend to offend,
but I’m not here to make everything “rosey” either.
I like to know I’m being real with you,
and I hope that’s evident here at This Old House 2.
Today K and Beemer were at an open show
not too far from here.. the weather was beautiful..
everyone had a good time and horse & rider were insync.
Lots of pretty horses, colorful ribbons, bows in little girls hair,
even pink braids on ponies…
This boy could have ridden his dog in a class!
What a big teddy bear, too.

Little brother and friend actually came to cheer on big sister.
But don’t tell anyone.  Unless you’re on FB.. because I plastered it there too 🙂

I just love this Clyde… what a well mannered horse.

Grammy came today too!

Heidi is training Beemer to do trail… they came in second, not bad for a greeny!

The bluest eye.

21 thoughts on “more horse, ofcourse….after a word from no one’s sponsor”

  1. glad you had a good day with family and horses.

    your blog. you can do as you wish. some folks will disagree. some may even leave. i have left a blog after disagreeing with the blogger's outlook. doesn't make him wrong – just didn't align with my opinion. and i felt i had to take a stand in that case.

  2. I'm glad you had a great 'horse' day. I'm trying because of what you commented on my blog. I have a year to change my attitude. You as my inspiration!! You spoke your mind about a certain politician, I happened to agree with you. But, if I hadn't agreed, I would not have stopped reading your blog. My feelings are: it takes a whole bunch of us, with a whole bunch of ideas and interests, and points of view. If we only read what we stand for or believe in, we become narrow minded individuals, who only read certain stuff and associate with certain people! Dull, dull and more dull.

  3. I think we are fairly like minded, but if we weren't and I chose to leave, I would do so quietly and not raise a fuss.

    Love the horse show photos. The cooler weather makes the horse days much more pleasant.

  4. Congratulations to Heidi!

    And hey, it's your blog. You can do what you want. I never talk politics, but that's just me. I think most people were thinking exactly what you were. The man is an ass.

  5. The animals are awesome…
    We shouldn't limit our reading to those agreeing with our personal opinions. How boring, narrow-minded and limiting. We are lucky enough to be able to read what we want, where we want, and if we do not agree, can participate in respectful debate or move on.

  6. Gorgeous images, as always. I like that you speak your mind, because you do it rationally and never in an offensive manner. We both know from experience how that can be.

  7. We're in a lot of trouble if we can't even have civil discussions about things we disagree on…or understand that certain things really touch people deeply. I'm very touchy about rape issues…so touchy that I don't even want to hear a man talk about it…how the hell do they know?? And, I don't care what party he's from…if we're willing to overlook something seriously disturbing just bc somebody in our "group" said it, then we are in bigger trouble than I thought. What Country Girl Kate said is very true.

  8. Ok you know how I feel about you and your blog so keep being you please , let's hope the goodbye is for real!!! I love the horse pics and damn that dog is huge bigger than Ben ? Have a great start to your week

  9. Everyone is so divided today and it's easy to offend even without trying. I've gotten to where I'm afraid to like some things on Facebook because I don't want anyone to question me. I'm very proud of you for saying what you think.

    Always enjoy your horse photos and love that big dog. Bet he's sweet too.

  10. I like the pictures, I love the dogs and horses too, but what I really like is the person with the big heart that writes the blog. I shows and we are real people, with real opinions and some things just strike a cord with us all. I write about my grands who ARE the smartest and cutest.. at least to me! And I let the pain pour out when I write about my Mom who I've lost to dementia. I love to write about Arkansas and farming because it is who we are, but I know that to many that's a ho-hum subject. This may be Grandma's house, but we do talk politics at the table and that's ok cause if you don't have an opinion, then you're dead!

  11. First let me say I love the silhouette of your daughter on her horse.
    As far as anonymous goes……..phooey. If she wants to read about flowers, there are plenty of flowery blogs out there, she should go find them.
    You were being honest and in defense of women everywhere, and that obviously flew right over her head.
    And besides, if someone can't at least SIGN their name in their comment, regardless of how they come up as anonymous, then I say their comment is as unimpressive as they are.

  12. Who ever left your blog, their loss. MY theory, if you don't like what's on a particular blog, START YOUR OWN!

    The horse show pics, really cool.

  13. I had a friend or so called friend on facebook do the same thing to me when I voiced my opinion of that opposite variety of hers and she got all upset and unfriended me. At first I was mad and sad and then a little glad, but never did I really think that people can get so upset over something as silly as a presidential election. I mean afterall, do any of us really make a difference when we vote? I don't believe so. I'm glad people voice their true feelings and sometimes it gets me really 'up on edge or maybe a little angry'. But then I remember that we still live in the beautiful country we call America and so far we still have the right to voice our own voice, which ever way it leans.
    beautiful photos as always,
    peace n abundance,

  14. How nice that little bro, his friend and Grammy were there for Kristen. She looks so little in that one shot. And, that dog? He looks so much like the one that Patti's family had for years!!

    To Anonymous, Happy Trails to YOU!! 🙂

  15. You may as well be true to you- because you'll lose just as many readers if you do sugar coat and rosey picture everything 🙂

    K-looks stunning on her horse! Your photos are gorgeous… very cool to be surrounded by family on such a fun day!

  16. I love that you are real…the images are gorgeous…

    It's too bad that we are so divided and that we can't discuss things calmly and that people respond almost entirely emotionally instead of using their brains (it seems to me!). We live in a complex world with complex issues and we need all the brains we can get! And from the comments above I am certainly not alone…nor are you!

  17. Beautiful photos, Karen.

    All someone has to do if they disagree with a post so much that they can't read the blog any longer is move on quietly. It's your blog. You can talk about and discuss whatever you want to. I'm all for pretty pictures but I love substance, as well. Good for you for speaking your mind.


  18. What a boring world this would be if we all always agreed with each other. We are all different and we all see things differently from each other. I love your blog, not just the pretty pictures, which you have, and I love seeing your daughter on her horse, but I also enjoy your commentary on what concerns you or makes you happy! Soooo, keep on going and do your thing. It's your blog!

    Hugs to you, Susan

  19. Keep talking…. what good is a blog if you can't say what's on your mind?

    Seeing these show photos sure brings back old memories…. Trail was my absolute favorite class back when I showed my Appaloosa in the 70's. We had some crazy obstacles!!

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