
   I have been mothering things since I could walk, I’m pretty sure.  It started with my favorite Winnie the Pooh, which I still have… .. He and the Pooh my 3 year old son picked on our first trip to Disney World reside on my dresser. 

  The mothering moved up to pets we had in my childhood home, including dogs, cats, fish, parakeets, a hamster or two, a goat (long story for another day) and fancy silk mice I hid from my mother disguised in a P& G crate in my room. 
   I love being a mother!  It’s my most favorite thing in this world.  As for MY mother – well, she put up with one heck of a stubborn teen, and there may have been a grocery throwing incident or two and some pathetic grades from a reluctant student, but we came out of that tunnel with a treasured relationship.  The reason I believe I can do what I set my mind to is in part because my mother told me I could.  There’s no greater gift than that. 
   My kids are grown and we remain close.  I hope they will always come to me when they need something, anything. 

 I won’t ever stop being their mother, for sure the mothering instinct continues… but the daily coddling had to find another outlet… hence.. the critters on this farm serve an important purpose. For I can only be me. The Mother
Currently out in the little greenhouse, there are three chickens.  Our little greenhouse has become the chicken hospital.  They are looking a little iffy… sick with something but I’m not sure what. I’ve consulted a vet and all the chicken illnesses you can google on the internet.  So far, nothing really matches their symptoms exactly.  Chickens are tough to diagnose and fall prey to many illnesses.  It’s very important to keep their housing clean and give them proper nutrition.  These guys just look like they feel yucky, and one has a messy vent.  The vet advised against an antibiotic for now, with apple cider vinegar in their water and probiotic supplement in their feed.  
 Meanwhile.. back at the Eggplant on the other side of the garage… The young chicks and my older girls are doing well and as soon as this rain lets up I will bleach the hell out of the coop just for good measure.  The littles are still living in their own section ( under the tarp) until they reach the same size as the others. 
Let’s talk about rain – boy have we gotten our share.  This morning the horses are tucked into their stalls with grain and hay and an open top door for fresh air. 
 The mothering of anything will never be described as glamorous, we can say that for certain, can’t we.. …     Me at 6:30 this morning as I mothered the crew on the farm.  I’m not showing you my pajama bottoms soaked to the ankles…. yep, sometimes that’s how we roll around here. 
  Because of the torrent of rain we’ve been getting, everything is so vibrantly GREEN. We’ve planted the second half of the Garden beds, now I can only hope the tender plants don’t drown. 
  As I sit here typing this blog entry, my three “other kids” lie around me – This is the thing they do every day – whatever room I’m working in.. they find a spot to settle, moving with me through the house as I tackle the tasks at hand.  It’s a good life, the best life I could have hoped for, full and rich with  mothering.  
Happy Mother’s Day to you, my friends.  If you are a nurturer in any way, you are a mother of this earth. Celebrate you!