Mr. Tux

Him:  Mom, you coming to help me pick out a tux?
Me: You said you were going with your friends.
Him:… yeah, they’ll be there, but I don’t want to look like a dork.
Just come and help me pick it out.
Me:  (silently thanking the Gods of Teenage Aloofness for
releasing their grip on my son for  this little moment in time. ) 

He’s ready for Prom. 
Honestly.. it took me less time to find a wedding dress than it
did to put together a tux ensemble, but I think he looks sharp.
His date is wearing a deep purple gown, simple and elegant.
NOW… off to the horse show!
Have a good weekend all.
In my best Arnold voice..
“I’ll be back.”

17 thoughts on “Mr. Tux”

  1. Oh he looks fantastic! So handsome. That must have been such a blast!

    I had two girls so I never got to do any stuff like this. So I bug the two boys in my girl's lives ALL THE TIME. Poor guys. lol

  2. It's all funny to him now but this is the first tux in a long line of tuxes. Guys have it easy…they get measured, boom. He sure is handsome though, a nice date for that girl!


  3. You realize that prom is a signal for the end of school and for him, the end of his high school days? I predict you're gonna cry as you take those photos. He's growing up, girl!

  4. So nice he asked mom to go, very cool. And he did look great at the end. And I'm sure you've heard he looks like mom, right. The resemblance is amazing.

  5. He's so funny and cute. I could actually see him doing stand up on tv. He looks great, and good for him asking you to help; that is positively something Ben would have done. 🙂

    Have a great time at the horse show; I hope K does well and has fun!

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