MV 2016

    I’m like a kid on Christmas morning when we roll into the Ferry line at Woods Hole headed for the Vineyard.  Then when the Jeep is safely tucked in the belly of the Ferry and we take our positions upstairs on the deck, the engines roar to life and the navy and emerald green sea churns below and I know…. we’re on Island Time. 
 Our first stop is usually the Black Dog Tavern – where the seafood and the ribs and their red wine sangria are not worth dying over, but pretty darn good.  Why did anyone ever coin the phrase – to die for – anyway?   Would you really be willing to die over an exceptional meal or slice of cake?  No food is that good.   Anyway – the Black Dog  cookbooks share some great recipes too, I recommend ordering one if you want to treat yourself. 
 This was our view from the Harborside Inn, where we’ve stayed when only on island for a long weekend.  Right smack in the middle of Edgartown and also on the water, it’s a convenient location, walking distance to just about everything in town…… 
… including Edgartown Light. Mike and I are early risers, and we’ve made a tradition of walking to the light and along it’s beaches before most people have fetched their coffee from Espresso Love. 
This year I found a live scallop… it hissed and snapped as I tried to observe it… 
 The quiet mornings before the rest of the tourists have come out to play is when I enjoy the island the most.  I can only imagine what the residents think of those of us who invade their space for three months of the year.  On one hand the tourism is great for business, on the other, a big nuisance for the locals. The population swells from 15,000 to 100,000 every year.. can you imagine.  Then throw in a Presidential visit!   We got in before the POTUS this year. 
  The walk to the light brings us past so many stately old sea captains homes and lovely cottages full of whimsy….. their gardens very well tended and brick walks add to the charm.  
This pagoda tree is absolutely HUGE, notice how little the man is standing next to it. 
The story behind it is pretty cool. 
My son, years ago at the same tree… 

 Just down Water Street a few blocks over is the Chappy Ferry – a three car, two minute ferry ride to Chappaquiddick.  
The beaches on Chappy or more wild and untamed with less people traffic.  The Mr. prefers it and so we go…. 

 While it’s nice to get away, just the two of us… I miss my kiddos when they’re not tagging along.    But don’t ya know… two of them  just happened to be on island at the same time. The family of my son’s GF rented a house just up and over a few blocks from the harbor.  We had a wonderful evening together, getting to know the new faces and sharing stories with the familiar.

We visited the Tisbury Farm Market and oh let me tell you… these jams are – not worth dying for, but pretty darn good.  Especially the Lavender Nectarine.  They ship, fyi. 

We also had breakfast one morning at the Right Fork Diner, at the Katama Air field.  This plane
was made in 1940, the wings made of cloth, if you can believe it.  You, too, can take a 45 minute ride around the island in this dual winged beauty.  We declined – as the Mr. said… “There are many risks in life, and you have to decide which are truly worth the possible worst outcome.   For me, This ain’t one of them”.  

 Alley’s General Store has been in operation since 1858… it’s so chock full of sillyness and well as the necessities, a visit isn’t complete without a stop in at Alleys just to see what’s new and  piled high and grab a drink or three for the trek up island.

   They say the Vineyard is for the Democrats and Nantucket is the Republican Island.  Judging by the amount of Bernie bumper stickers, I say it’s probably true.  The POTUS will arrive shortly for his yearly vacation with family, and I hope people will be kind.  Seems they either love when the Pres visits or hate it, depending on how much motorcade traffic and cordoned off restaurants they have to put up with, I suppose.  If I were a resident, I’d consider it an honor, just sayin – 
Thought this was kinda funny… I CAN RELATE. 
 Hope you’re having an enjoyable summer – we are, despite the drought and heat.
Until soon –  thanks for stopping by.