My buddy Ben and Ipad App coolness.

Danes are just a different level of dog all together, I’m convinced.  They really do think they are exactly whatever we are… (that would be human)… and should live accordingly.  Ben will sit on the couch just as we do, he would just as soon eat at the table right next to us.  Maybe it’s because they are so big…. The expressions on a Dane’s face are remarkable.  You can tell when he’s worried.. when he’s afraid, when he’s curious, when he is SOOO happy to see you –  his whole forhead scrunches up and ears pin back and he SMILES, I tell ya.  And when you hurt his feelings?….oh, the wounded look.     He doesn’t like having his picture taken and if you are trying, he  will do his best to STAY, but he’s not really cooperating.

 This is the “I’m not looking at that camera”  look.
Nope, uh-uh.
picture a doglike heavy sigh and eye roll, if he could.
And my no-makeup on a Sunday evening look,
because who am I trying to fool anyway 🙂

No drooling on the table, Ben!
This is the wounded look. Scolded for begging with face on table.
Because he can.

Since both chicks were in the nest last night…
we played with Ipad apps.  Heat Sensor camera. Pretty cool.

If you have apple products (ipad, iphone) have you discovered
Words with Friends yet?  it’s basically Scrabble, and you can
play it against anyone you are friends with on Facebook or Twitter .

I don’t do Twitter.  Am I the only one who thinks it’s a little narcissistic and silly?

No offense if YOU do Twitter, I’m just sayin.

So back to Words. You also don’t have to spend a lot of time doing it…

You can make your move..and your friend can take their turn a day later,
or whenever it’s convenient.
If the kids are gonna be on their “equipment”…
atleast they are learning something valuable, right?

26 thoughts on “My buddy Ben and Ipad App coolness.”

  1. We just bought an IPad yesterday and I couldn't believe it came with no instructions. Trying to learn the ICloud, it's not sincing the other computers. Old people and new things don't mix well!

  2. I love your Ben pics! You are right… his expressions say it all! My husband used to walk their neighbors Dane for him and Tom always said that the dog walked him (or dragged him at times!) Love the picture of you and both four leggers! I think Words with Friends is a cool idea. I haven't done it yet. I just know I would be addicted as if blogging isn't enough, but what a fun way to "play" with the kids! I don't tweet. I don't get it. Like I said… blogging and facebook suck up too much of my time anyway!

  3. For anyone needing instructions on the iPad, just turn to YouTube or do a Google search. You can always find it there.

    Love the pic of you and both pups. And yes, dogs express themselves very well with their faces and body statures. I love that about dogs.

  4. OK I think your doing these post on Ben on purpose to force me to get one and then ill be sleeping outside haha!! I love your pics. Have a great day

  5. Your photos today are just fun. Love those dog expressions. Our Zoey lifts her lips and smiles at people. It is too cute. I am enjoying my new iPad. At first I wasn't so sure, but I like it more and more.

  6. I have always heard that danes. Her best friend has one who is known from biting and the only thing I can think of is that they moved from 20 acres to the city and now she lives in the city on a lot with a very small yard…think zero lot. Anyway, she had puppies and now seems to be doing better.
    By the way…I do not get Twitter either:)

  7. We occasionally meet a Harlequin Dane on our walks, he's a real gentle giant, and stunning to look at.
    I'm with you on Twitter.

  8. Yep, you've discovered a lot of the cool apps! It is fun to play with them and discover all the mind boggling things technology can do. My kids are always teaching me new things 🙂

  9. It is a treasure to see that you include you 'other' family members in your photos.

    As for anything with Apple and I, I am trying to resist the dark side. lol

  10. My 2-1/2 year old grandson knows how to use an IPad- is that sad, or what? His Dad sells them and is tech geek himself.

    Love your great dane. It reminds me of my daughter's beautiful Bacardi..whose life was way too short- xo Diana

  11. Ben is amazing! and sooo big. Loved his not looking the camera look, lol.
    I'm going to go tweet about him right now.

  12. It must be weird to have a dog that's bigger than you! His facial expressions are priceless. My son does words with friends and apparently so does Alec Baldwin. Isn't that what he was playing when he got kicked off the airline before Christmas? I also think Twitter is silly. Kind of like I used to tell my oldest daughter when she was little and NEVER stopped talking. "It's okay NOT to talk". By the way, I just can't get over your header. I want the dog and the pillows!

  13. This post makes me want one of those hounds. Not sure what my husband would say…

    We are on the search for a new outside dog…one that will nice for the kiddies to grow up with!

  14. I totally love this post!! Timing is everything! I was at my daughter's tonight and just learned about the "Words" game! Just tonight!! Also the heat sensor thing! Both of us got iphones for Christmas, so we were playing too!! Your Ben pics are awesome! He is one BIG Dog!! Love the Beemer lookalike pics!!

  15. Love your dog.

    Twitter is like any other form of social media whether it be blogging (which many people consider very narcissistic also), or any other form. If you're putting it out on the internet, you're assuming someone cares. The thing is? People DO care. Twitter followers got my electrode surgery approved with their amazing efforts. Right now many of us are helping a young mom, twitter friend, who is in critical condition after a horrible plane crash. Like everything – it is what you make it. If you put effort into it – you can develop a twitter community just like a blog community or a facebook or g+ community.

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