My Heart Sings…


I read something out there in blogland today, and please forgive me,  for I have forgotten where I read it….that it takes but one kind word to warm an entire January.

I took my Bailey dog to the vet today for a check up – her tumor still exists but it has been held at bay with meds. No new growth, and I allow myself to feel a little relief.

 I’ve also developed a wicked allergy this year – my eyes look like I went a round or two with Evander Holyfield.  And Lord help me, I think it may be the dogs.  It’s either that or dust. Both are part of my world for eternity… so…  Right now I’m giving Claritin a go because Benadryl just makes me  look like a drugged out zombie if there is such a thing.  Well yes there is, cause that’s what I am when I’m on it.

 When I pulled in the driveway after the vet appointment and a Walgreens stop for drugs, there was a package hanging out of the mailbox. It contained these wonderful treasures from a truly gifted Folk artist in Nova Scotia…. Shelagh of Alice in Paris loves Art and Tea.   It was the most wonderful of surprises… a gift for simply wishing her a happy birthday –

Shelagh – you’ve warmed my January, February and lets sail into March.

 Now here’s the really incredible thing…. I have been following Shelagh’s blog since before I had one of my own.  Every now and then I’ve commented on a painting or photograph I particularly like – her colors and subjects are always vivid and fun.  Within this collection of postcards and notecards, a print and a board-mounted photo, they are all included! Each one I commented on!… Shelagh, how could you have possibly remembered?  And if you were just winging it, well that’s cosmic.


Chocolate hearts, a pretty heart hand towel and red shoes on black check floor…  

We could use a little of this advice…

I  Love this sky…

I’ve placed the herd of horses in my beta fish garden on the kitchen island….

 I’m already wearing these as we batten down the hatches for yet another snow storm.


 Shelagh also shares some fabulous recipes on her blog… I’ve made quite a few, and I’ve got a copy of her cookbook too… wonderful Novia Scotia recipes in her own whimsical style.


22 thoughts on “My Heart Sings…”

  1. Surprises are all around blogland it seems, such a nice gift! Our senior cocker has tumors and many other issues from years of steroid use. His meds outnumber our vitamins in the cabinet. He is snoring so loud right now I can barely hear your playlist!!! Stay warm, we are to be -4 on Wed. night I think…

  2. How nice to see all my goodies in your home! Fantastic spot for the horses. I thought you'd have fun with them:)Thanks for making my birthday special:)

  3. AliceInParis…will you adopt me? Please, please, please? Well, now you KNOW I have to go over and check this fabulous lady out…and just when I said I was not going to look at ONE new blog…Oh well… You got some wonderful, wonderful gifts. What a blessing! Hugs- Diana

  4. Such a cute and colorful post today, Karen. The entire thing made me smile! Glad you got your red sockies on so your footies will stay warm through the storm coming.


  5. I think you read that quote over at my place! I'm excited it resonated with you.

    I love your awesome day. I'm going to have to check out your friend's blog.

  6. The kindness of bloggers always surprises me. And thank you for introducing me to another beautiful blog.
    And I love your red chair fabric. Just had to put that out there.

  7. Nothing is better than getting a package in the post! Lucky you!
    And I think the horses grazing around the fish are glorious!
    Wish we lived closer…then the ice storm would just have us cozy inside in our fluffy socks, drinking tea & chatting. Stay warm sweetie!

  8. What a wonderful package to receive in the mail as a surprise!! I just checked our the cookbook and her blog….delightful stuff!!! Love her whimsical style!!! Can you freakin' believe we have yet ANOTHER storm on the way?? We are getting so used to them. I think we will be inside for awhile…got lots of craft activities to keep me busy…along with a bunch of shows I have been waiting to catch up on! Stay warm and safe!! SOOOOO glad Bailey is doing well!!! I'm on Singulair for my asthma…some people take it for allergies…as I am allergic to dogs AND cats and horses and rabbits and sheep and a zillion other things. Fortunately, the Singulair has really made a difference!! Good luck!!

  9. What a fabulous package of goodies. It would warm my winter too. I love the one with the cat and the stars. Looks very Van Gogh-ish and reminds me of lovely his Starry Nights.

    Allergies are a nightmare to me. Hope the Claritin helps. I swear I'm allergic to spring where we live in the mountains of NC. Lots and lots of pine pollen gold dust everywhere.

  10. Shelagh is such a lovely and talented woman! When you visit us up here in Nova Scotia, and you meet her, you'll know she is just as special in "real life" as in blogland.

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