My Other Self

…Wears this kind of jewelry…

 and these kind of boots…
And carries this purse… only when absolutely necessary….
pictures courtesy Crow’s Nest trading co.

My Other Self lives in this cottage with her (same!) family….
and looks like this in her skinny jeans….

and does this…
..for them…
 and makes good money at it ,too….
Enough, even,  to give these two a better life…
…and so many more.
My Other Self has these two constant companions…
Australian Cattle dogs named Axel and Rose….

and looks out over this with morning coffee when she’s not
on a shoot for Nat Geo ….

and drives this, most often with the roof off…

and soaks here at the end of a long day.

What does YOUR Other Self look like?
I challenge you to do a similar post
Send me your blogpost link and I’ll put it under the hot tub here….
Come on, you can do it.

Click on links below for others who have revealed Their Other Self

Ocean Breezes & Country Sneezes

Lavender Dreamer

Sweet Pea Path
shellbelles Tiki hut
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43 thoughts on “My Other Self”

  1. wow….i didn't know you had an other self. this is quite the challenge and with a day already pretty full, i'll try to participate in this, but it might take me awhile to get it together 🙂

  2. My other self wants to know if your other self will let her be your lady in waiting. Oh, may my OS borrow your OS's bracelet, purse and boots for the real self's class reunion. 🙂

    You don't really want to know my OS, there are too many of them. 🙂

  3. What fun! I think I will live vicariously through your other life:) Won't be around for a few days so I could use another life to get a few things done!

  4. The more I thought about this, the more I realized that I have many other selves. I would be as at home in a cottage as in a castle. I could rule the world or volunteer in an animal shelter. I'd have 1000 purses but maybe never carry one!

    You have really lit a spark under me!


  5. My other self for sure lives by the sea…, in a cozy comfy cottage with wide plank wooden floors…, or in a chic highrise with all the amenities you can dream up! Two other selves here, haha.

  6. This looks like SO much fun, I'm going to pull something together and put it up tomorrow! What a great idea!!!! I love it!!!!!

    AND, I love everything about your Other Self just as much as I love who your are now!

  7. Ha, I love it! I'd have to think it over awhile, as it changes almost daily when I think up the next great adventure. Sailing the greek isles sounds a bit restorative these days, while I write the great american novel! Ah, everyone has to have a dream!!

  8. Oh this is so fun! I'm gonna try really hard to do it girl – but I can't promise. I think my otherself would at least be dressed for the day by now…sheesh…

  9. I don't dare go there, Karen. Actually, my other self and my self are pretty much alike. Accept for the wrinkles. My other self has flawless skin. And lots of money to spend on Nikon lenses. That is all. 🙂

  10. I found you over at Jane's (Blondie) & I LOVED this post! I have a lot of different selves. I need to think about this… But, I did LOVE this post. GREAT IDEA! Charlene

  11. of course, my post of my other self got eaten by blogger yesterday when it had it's gigantic hiccup….

    BUT it's back, and it's the post prior to the most recent one on my blog 🙂
    thanks again karen for a fantastic game and challenge !!

  12. Hi Karen. Thanks for the invite to participate. WIth the loss of my nephew I just haven't been up to par the past couple of days. Will try to get back into blogging soon.


  13. I love your OTHER self-=Almost as much as I love your real self!!! But I have to tell ya- I would rip those turquoise boots off your feet in a heart beat -well, I would wait til you stepped out of them to get into the hot tub! Hugs- Diana

  14. Karen, I'm so sorry about getting your name wrong on my blog…not sure where that came from!! It must be from jet setting around my virtual "dream big" world too much and suffering from jetlag…at least that's my excuse and I'm sticking too it.

  15. Wonderful post. I often dream of 'my other self'. I don't have a blog. Is there a way I can post 'my other self' without a blog? It will be fun to come up with something. Mine will be similar to yours with the working for National Geographic. I can't wait to pick out my house. I live in a condo now but dream of having my own house.

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