Mystic Retail Therapy

  After visiting the Dog Days event Saturday, we went to Downtown Mystic next to the Seaport and had lunch at a forgettable restaurant.  And then.. we did one of my favorite things…. browsed the charming retail shops along the main street through town.  The husband sat in the truck with the son, sulking because it’s their least favorite thing to do, while us girls took a little stroll. 

  We stopped in my favorite shop,  Company of Craftsmen….
I love this glass sea turtle.. just beautiful.

They have beautiful pottery too by several different artists…

 And these awesome “beach  balls”….

 Then we moseyed on down to Why Ever Not and saw these…
I think I was a mermaid in a former life.

 These bees below are magnetic.. so cute.

 I love this set of rings. 

 We finally did spend money at the Mystic Sweet Shoppe.
Giant DOTS, chocolate shakes for the sulking men and maple walnut ice cream for me.

24 thoughts on “Mystic Retail Therapy”

  1. Cute cute cute stuff! Love shops like that and when Hubby sulks I ignore his silly ass. Seriously, I mean grown men sulking? It's no wonder I go most places by myself.

  2. Especially love the pottery, and the photo of you and your girl; I don't know how you did that but it's great!

    So, you didn't buy any of the mints? LOL

    You're a funny girl. 🙂

    Oh, and yeah we mermaids have to stick together!

  3. Looked/sounded like a good day. Loved the reflection shot in the window, and yeah, what is that your holding, a TV camera?

  4. There is not one single thing I don't like about this post!!! Shopping is my most favorite thing to do!! Love the pottery!! The Jewelry! Candy! Chocolate!! Having fun! My husband hates to shop too!

  5. I would have TOTALLY bought that beautiful bowl with the daisies.

    Of course I say that even while knowing I've been stalking a bowl at the farmer's market, but just can't afford the gorgeous thing.

    That's my favorite thing to do as well. My hubs usually sleeps in the car. He pretends he likes to go, but nah, he doesn't.

  6. Yeah, never go shopping with guys!! Love your shops and love that reflection picture!! My guys sulk, too, especially when we go to WEBS in MA for yarns! They all sit in the van with their laptops! hahahaha!!! xo

  7. We almost ran into each other on Saturday…I had to buy a birthday gift and almost went to A Company of Craftsmen to shop! I ended up going to The Nest just outside of Mystic after someone suggested it to me…have you ever been there? Shabby Chic kind of stuff that was fun to browse.

    I wish I had seen your photos a week ago when I was looking for candy shells to decorate my daughters birthday cake with…now I just have to remember next July where I saw them:)

    Which forgetable restaurant was it by the way? Just want to make sure I don't go there:)

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