
My girl and I took Coady & Lacey
down the driveway and across the street to
visit with our good neighbor, Margaret.
Our minis have been to nursing homes
and rehabilitation centers with me to visit those
who can’t get out into the world like they used to..
therapy horses, they were.
I haven’t done that work in years
and sometimes I miss it.
 At 89 years young, Margaret still takes care of her own home
and we feel lucky to have her as a neighbor.
She’s always got a positive outlook on life. 
 Just look at her lovely garden. 
While we stood there grazing  horses and talking,
hummingbirds were swarming the feeders and flowers.
I always leave her yard with a feeling of peace.
Some people just have the ability to put you at ease…
to remind you of the simple graces in life.
She’s one of those for sure.

21 thoughts on “Neigh-bors”

  1. first, your minis are just adorably gorgeous! if i were infirmed, i'd LOVE to have them visit! such a joy that would be!

    second, margaret sounds like a treasure. her yard is beautiful. 🙂

  2. She's 89 and still takes care of her own home??? I think I want to be Margaret when I get older! I'd better get started, that whole positive outlook will take lots of practice, for me!

    Go, Margaret!

  3. I hope to be that peaceful at some point in my life. Seems I've always been on the edge of my seat waiting for something to happen. What?? I don't know. I envy your neighbor to be able to do the things she does at her age. How wonderful!!!

  4. I don't know which is sweeter- the minis- or Margaret- or your cute daughter! They are all a picture of grace to me 🙂

  5. You are so very lucky to have a great neighbor like Margaret, especially one with a beautiful yard!
    I'm sure you and your daughter's heart were over flowing when you returned home.

  6. Its so nice o have good neighbors . We have one that acts like a grandmother to the boys ! Have a great night

  7. OH, I would love, LOVE, LOVE to hear more about this woman's life. What an inspiration! Her yard is so lovely. Has she lived in this place all her life?

    I bet she is grateful to have you as neighbours too.

    So neat those blasted little mini's would do therapy work. I would have never guessed.

  8. This post reminds me so much of our neighbor at the cottage. She was well into her 90's when she passed away. She lived alone her entire life!! Never married…no kids. She, too, kept a beautiful flower garden, vegetable garden and an unbelievably impeccable yard!! She even used to chop her own wood! Many times in the winter, the roads were impassable…but Lila managed…all on her own! She had a rope alongside her driveway that she would have the groceries delivered…the young man would stand at the top of the hill and lower the groceries down the hill to her one at a time. It was amazing. She was totally self-sufficient!! I miss her. I bet your neighbor totally loved having you and your girl come visit with your lovely miniatures!! They are adorable!! People like that are just awesome. The world needs more of them!

  9. What a wonderful way of bringing friendship into the lives of those who are housebound. The garden is lovely and your conversation looks really lively while your ponies…just graze!! A lovely idea for a summer day! Joan

  10. What an inspiration she is….and how sweet of you guys to take time to visit and spend time with her…..cute, cute mini's!!!!!

  11. What a great post! Margaret looks like a very young 89, she's one of the lucky ones. Since our parents are in nursing care now I see an alarming number of much younger patients among the elders. Many things contribute to our health~ what we eat, exercise and of course the biggie… good genes. Combining all three and you end up with a Margaret!

  12. Oh yeah! I want to be like Margaret when I grow up!! And have a neighbor like you so I can get my horse fix! Lovely minis, Karen! And your daughter, of course!!!!

  13. Having wonderful neighbors is icing on the cake! I love the minis! They are precious and I love the college girl's dress!

  14. The comment removed? That's me, I still can't type!

    How wonderful that Margaret is able to care for herself, and for you & K to visit with the mini's. I'm sure she enjoyed you guys as much as you did. 🙂

  15. In addition to the good genes, eating right, exercising, I think attitude plays a huge part in how one ages. The way things are looking right now, that's probably not something in my favor! lol
    How about interviewing Margaret on living life well–I'd love some of her sage wisdom!

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