
Well now.. this oughta be interesting. 

So you just know I made the obligatory trip to the gas station and grocery store…
along with everyone else and their brother, sister, cousins thrice removed,
and I’m pretty sure I even saw Elvis in the peanut butter isle
 and Jimmy Hoffa buying lottery tickets.

19 thoughts on “Nemo”

  1. Ha! And I made sure to hit Job Lot early this morning and got my extra shovel! Now I have one for each kid! Hoping my power doesn't go out for DAYS like it always does…!

    I should've bought snow shoes, they had a bunch of those!

  2. Here too Karen! I told my brother to leave today and come here…but he's decided he has to stay there to protect his place…which is surrounded by many tall trees! At least he's got the generator now! Stay safe! We can all sit around by our fires and eat!!

  3. Heard about the snow storm headed your way. We've had our fare share of snow here in MN, but not like this one. Good ole' nor'easter I say. Time to hunker down, do lots of baking, go sledding, and stay warm and safe. Will be thinking of you this weekend.


  4. Thinking, praying for all you guys. Sure hope it's not going to be as bad as they're saying.

    Hey! Did I ever tell you, when I worked as secretary/receptionist for the Local of Teamsters in Jax? A man came in with a gun lookin' for Jimmy Hoffa. I kid you not! I told the guy he was in the back, and I'd get him. I went through, grabbed the other two girls; we locked ourselves in the back and called the police. But, by the time they got there the guy was gone. Just call me Cool Hand Sal! 🙂


  5. When did they start naming storms for the crying out loud? Apologies – random rant. 😉

    I am kinda envious. I hope I don't ruffle any feathers anywhere by saying I like big snowstorms! Of course I don't like the dangerous part of it, but they are beautiful and I always love the part where the neighborhood rallies together to plow each other out.

    But I am annoying.

    I know you'll cook something fantastic and keep all of your people and critters safe.

  6. Hope you are weathering the storm okay! I was just reading about it as we start preparing for our own version of it for Sunday. I love it when they say anywhere from 4-16 inches- could they narrow it just a tad?

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