
 Anyone who’s been through a difficult time (I think that covers just about all of us)  – whether the cause is illness, tragedy or just plain overwhelming life events – knows the value of an ordinary day.  Normal. 

Since the decision was made to jump into the resurrection of This Old House, our life has been on a treadmill with the packing up and preparing the old place for resale, the work of rebuilding the new homestead,  and all the other life shifting that goes with the territory.  It’s been wonderful and overwhelming at the same time and it all came on the heels of two tragic events in our life.

Today was the first normal day in a long time and it felt good
The boys won their first AllStar game in the blazing heat….

 We spectator moms sat in the shade talking Twilight.  This is Janice… she shares my love for the Twilight books and movies… yes I know, you’re rolling your eyes, aren’t you.  If you haven’t tried it, don’t knock it.

Mike got to spend quality time with his girlfriend….
He missed her, I can tell.

  Tell me what an ideal normal day is for you, I’de like to know.

14 thoughts on “Normal”

  1. Congrats on the allstar win! And for having a "normal" day! I have no idea what a normal day is anymore, but an ideal day is one where we get to do whatever it is "we" want to do as a family. We are always so busy and pulled in so many different directions that those days are few and far between, but when one does happen it's pure happiness for me!!

    Kat 🙂

  2. I haven't read the Twilight books but have watched the first and second movies. I think Vampires are delicious. LOL


  3. An Ideal normal day has all 3 of my girls home, of course. After my wife and I eat breakfast on the deck, over the next 2 hours the girls trickle down from their rooms for coffee. We all sit around and catch up, talking, laughing and the occasional busting of the chops. After lunch my wife and I head out to tackle the project of the day, painting, mulching the garden or whatever. The girls would settle in like cats on the couch watching sex in the city. Dinner would be eaten again on the deck, with bottles of wine and great conversation while the 2 dogs and many many cats hover around. Yeah, that's a good day for me.

  4. Normal around here, is not worth discussing! Ideal, on the other hand, might be… and it would involve spending time with family and no drama. It rarely happens, but it would be nice.

  5. Normal around here IS dramatic … and it's a shame that we're so used to it. My ideal is Saturday mornings, when Grandson is visiting his mom, the husband is sleeping in, and I'm not yawning.

    Take it one box at a time, dear. Eventually, you will finish … or so I've been told.

  6. You know that I love a normal day. They're the best. For me, it's a weekend day, doing chores around the house, my husband on his daily walk or in the garden, running errands, reading by the pool. (and by pool, i really mean my sprinkler. i don't have a pool).

    Luv the dreamy photo in the middle!

  7. I am so glad you had a day where you did normal things. I am not sure what I would call a normal day. This week I am busy painting my future granddaughter's nursery. Seems I am always working on something so I think that is my normal.

  8. Last week I saw part of an Oprah-episode and that was the first time I heard of Twilight. Cute vampires. I think I understand what the attraction is there, hehe.
    Congrats to the boys for winning.

    Hope you'll be having lots of 'normal days' from now on, and that if they aren't normal, they aren't normal because of something really fun or nice or wonderful happening. 😉

  9. Yea for the boys!! I know they had to be sweltering in the heat, though.

    Okay, I won't roll my eyes 'cause I haven't tried it yet.

    Normal? I'll get back to u on that. 🙂

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