Now, about that Emotional Opinion

   I try to stick to the truth here, so in the spirit of being honest, I am both passionate and opinionated.  Occasionally I see something that raises the hair on my neck and I’m probably going to spew it out here in my little corner of the public eye.

 Many people shy away from talking about controversial issues on their blog space and I understand why one would choose to do so. When people feel passionate about an issue, especially emotionally fraught subjects such  rights, religion and equality…..emotion, more often than not,  mires what could be a constructive conversation.  We all know this to be true, and yet it is so damned difficult to stick to the facts, Ma’am.  Just the facts.  I can tell you it’s never my intention when I bring up a sticky subject to find someone who opposes me so I can argue the point or belittle them.  I am genuinely interested in all perspectives.. sometimes it sheds some light.  And sometimes it just tangles the web even more.

  That being said, I will continue to bring up topics now and again that I think are worth taking the risk to “discuss”.  I welcome all points of view, as long as we are decent to each other in the discussion.  I can’t help it if you don’t like what I have to say, and I’m not always going to like your ideas either. I try to be diplomatic and I don’t always succeed.  Running away from things just because they can become uncomfortable never solves anything.   That’s the nature of life.  It’s how we deal with these differences that say a lot about who we are and whether we can be part of the solution or add to the problem, regardless of viewpoint. 

  (In my best Forrest Gump voice) 
… “And that’s all I’m gonna say about that”.