October in Vermont

  Jeanne P. – Miss Sally picked your name off the floor offerings – you’re my fall give-away winner!  You’ll receive a fall package in the mail shortly.   
   We had a lovely visit to Woodstock, Vermont last weekend. It’s our third trip to that town and Inn, and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to experience New England at it’s best.  Many beautiful old homes pf stone, brick, or clapboard with slate roofs, shops from a very old fashioned General Store to upscale art galleries, a pub or two, a flannel shop like no other, gift and clothing stores galore, and the Inn itself has great accommodations and is family friendly.  It ain’t cheap… but if you’re looking to treat yourself for just a few days – this is a great way to do it.   A post on a previous trip HERE
 A magnificent sunflower head in the garden at The Billings Farm and Museum. 

We took a bike ride through some of the backroads around town.

Same covered bridge…

Harvest Festival at the Billings Farm… where the “kids” participated in the games…

We visited the Vermont Institute of Natural Science and saw some magnificent rehabilitated birds.

This old place below is absolutely beautiful, stately, located right on the main street near the Inn, and totally dilapidated.  It’s the only property in a total state of abandonment in this area and I can’t imagine why no one is willing to fix her up.  If only it were within our means to take it on.

 We had mom along with us, and what a trooper. She kept up with all the trudging around  and next visit she wants to explore the neighborhood  too.   
  The one odd thing… it was tee shirt weather all weekend.  Even with the occasional rain showers.