Of Ice and Men

I tried a new variety of tomato in the garden this year…
found in the Burpee catalog..
Italian Ice cherry tomatoes…
They’re not red.. they mature to a white/yellow 
and oooh boy are they good. Sweet! 
Where do the men come in?
My guys are making a little shed for my chicken coop supplies,
currently housed in a big rubbermaid tub, and that just ain’t cuttin it. 
I love them dearly, I do.
I want to thank you for all the words of encouragement and support in
my foray into painting again… you guys are the best cheerleading section a gal
could ever have.  Seriously. 
Off  to a four day  horseshow with the girlchild  and Max… 
 It’s the start of a new  weekend, all –
make it a good one!