OK, so I lied……..

  … not intentionally.  But today I came to this place and just wanted to blab on, so I guess I’m not  – letting it be –  as much as I originally thought.   Perhaps I’ll just write when it appeals to me and I won’t fault any of you for not stopping by… because who wants to visit a vacant space?  The main reason I started blogging was to document our journey for my family ( who might never bother with this blog ever, but hey, here it is regardless).   Really, it’s for me.

  SO … ME .. wants to share a few things with you today.    Let me tell you about my love of  JEEPS.  I’ve had two… a Laredo years ago when I was very young and madly in love.. .with my Jeep.  When it came time to trade it in for something more practical for our growing family, I cried.  And cried.   On the way to the dealership.. I cried.  AT the dealership… there stood the shiny new Toyota 4 runner… the TRAITOR vehicle..and I cried.  I cried as they handed me the keys and I handed them mine.   I hated that 4 runner probably because it severed me from my beloved Jeep.  I traded that in a year later. No tears shed.

  There were other BIG rigs after that – to pull a horse trailer and loads of luggage when we  went on family excursions and soccer games and baseball games and all the equipment and extra kids that come with it.

   The kids grew up some and I landed another Jeep as the hauling requirements lessened. This next Jeep was the Overland… I did love it.  The Hemi in particular.  BUT… even though I was back in a Jeep, there was something missing… Something…

   Time rolls on, the Jeep wracks up the miles, a few things start going wrong with the electrical stuff and the water pump blows.  Big recall comes in the mail.  That’s all the husband needs to say – Time to turn her in.   And… I see Jeep Wranglers in my sleep, I’m so ready to own one. My kids have their own vehicles now, no need for all that practicality.

    I stop by the dealership, get the numbers.  Now I’m getting excited.  There happens to be a YELLOW with black roof sitting right outside the office windows and my eyes keep going over to it as we’re discussing possible deals.  I am not a fan of yellow, on me, at least.  But something about it.  The Salesman says –  let me go get the keys – take it for the day, try it on.


   I drive it around, I drive it home. Everyone is looking at it because –  BUMBLE BEE YELLOW to the 10th power.  I’m starting to like it.  Actually, I’m starting to love it.  Not because everyone’s looking at it, but because I CAN’T STOP LOOKING AT IT.

 And then there was Mike.

   “Good God you are not parking a taxi cab in front of the house every single ever loving day.   NO.   Not happening.  ANYTHING.. but THAT.    It’s a piece of fruit, it’s not a vehicle!”.

  You’re catching his vibe, right?

So I didn’t bother finishing out the day with my queen bee jeep.  I took her right back because  she went over like a  _______________________________  you fill in the blank.

   THIS…. is what I ended up with a few weeks down the road.  And can I just tell you… I am madly in love again.  Even bought her new sneakers.


  Now let me tell you about the Jeep Wave.   Have you heard of it?  Do you know it intimately? Even though this is my third Jeep, it’s my first WRANGLER.   Only Wranglers are worthy of the Jeep wave.   If you’re buzzing down the road in your Overland or your Liberty, don’t wave – you’re not part of the phenomenon.    And, to some, the Jeep Wave is only reserved for those who live the true Wrangler Lifestyle – meaning two door vehicles with doors and top off most of the time, mud and scratches and all that goes with off roading clearly visible on your TRUE Jeep… and there had better be some modifications.     For those die hards –  they wave only to those that apply.   A middle aged FOUR DOOR Wrangler girl like myself?  Not worthy of the wave.  I’m not joking you here – just google the Jeep wave and holy hell, you’ll see all the forums.  It’s actually comical.

  So, I rolled out of the dealership on Saturday in my beloved new 4 door Sahara Wrangler and  within five minutes I had passed three Wrangler folks who waved!  Then there was the middle aged woman in the brand new 4 door Sahara Wrangler who didn’t wave.  She’s probably been snubbed by the die-hards one too many times.  And if she hasn’t.. then I want her to get this message –  WAVE, you ninnie!.. you’re ruining the tradition, fortifying the myth that middle aged women in wranglers don’t wave because they’re snobs!    ( There’s that too).

  I’m a waving fool now… in the two days I’ve owned my adored Jeep, I’ve waved to about ten other Wrangler drivers and they were all obliging except the one.   It’s a beautiful thing… the feeling of being a part of something bigger, of sharing a love for a vehicle, and showing a kindness, even just a two second wave, to a stranger.

   Too bad there isn’t a wave just for the humanity of it, something we could all participate in. Something that represents the simple fact that we’re all in this together, regardless of our differences.

  Oh wait.. there is.