On Chip and Vick (warning – graphic)

 Some of you might remember Chip the miracle dog rescued from a kill shelter in Miami, and believed to have been a dog fight bait puppy.   Below is his “before rescue” picture….

His adopted Family sent in this recent picture of Chip
as a healthy adult with his big brother..
It’s a beautiful thing, isn’t it?
For more on Chip’s story, see my labels on the left..
…Chip has his own tab.
M*chael Vick has a new book out and a new clothing line…
He wants to move past his bad reputation
and set the record straight – he’s enjoying his new freedom and lease on life.
The many dogs he had a hand in mutilating have no life. They’re dead.
This man was given a 36 million dollar NFL contract besides
all the endorsements… Please… I beg you..
don’t give him another dime or minute of your time
by purchasing any of his products.
I’ve lost all respect for officials of the NFL as well…
apparently the money a showboat player can bring to the table
for them is more valuable than humanity.
36 Million more valuable. 
Disgusting.  Just that.  

28 thoughts on “On Chip and Vick (warning – graphic)”

  1. Chip looks great! !! And as far as vick goes he is a disgusting person!!! He shouldnt be in the nfl period but until somebody puts a foot down with these billionaire athletes getting away with whatever they want to do its not going to stop. Im the biggest sports fan there is but its not for the sports or fans anymore all money! !!

  2. Ya…he makes me sick! Why is it if your an NBA player or NFL player you can drive drunk…and not get arrested…shot people-and not go to jail or torture dogs-go to jail for said dog torture and then return to your former life, job and millions of dollars and think people can like you or take you seriously…really??

  3. Yeah for Chip!!!!! I fell in love with that sweet face. I am so glad he found the perfect forever home! What a disgusting human being. It is a sad day when you are given a second chance in such a glorious way. He will fully pay for what he did one day. 36 million won't mean a damn thing when you are burning in hell.

  4. Hurray for Chip!…the picture of that other dog just breaks my heart! Unbelievable…I hope that is a big billboard somewhere…should be right outside the stadium where he plays!

  5. My son has a rescue pit. When I read this and saw the horrible photos of Chip, I just came unglued.
    Michael Vick is a murderer IMO, and should have been prosecuted as such.
    With a sociopathic profile, I don't know how anyone would touch him with endorsements or allow him to play for the NFL.
    Like you said, it's about the money.
    It seems that athletes and the Hollywood crowd never get held accountable to the degree that they should. It is disgusting beyond words.
    Chip, wherever you are- hugs and kisses to you ! And thank you to the wonderful family that gave him a forever home!

  6. So sad. I hate Michael Vick with everything in me to hate – and I like having him there. So glad that Chip is doing so well. Thank you for posting this.

  7. If people were forced to endure the torture they inflicted, as punishment, it might help put an end to it.

    I'm so happy for Chip!

  8. I agree they should have a law that anyone caught doing this has to relinquish all their assets and a percentage of any future income to helping dogs that have suffered from dog fighting.
    I've heard that they have a law in congress ready to pass that will better punish spectators of these events.

    Chips as adorable btw and looks so healthy now.

  9. I'm so happy for Chip!!! And I've had more than one argument with sports fans over Michael Vick. He is one of the lowest of the low in my book and it sickens me that he is afforded the luxurious lifestyle he has after all the pain he inflicted on loving and defenseless animals!

    I can only believe that what goes around comes around.


  10. On a positive note, it's nice to see that Chip appears to have recovered from the physical trauma.

    As for the excuse of human being, he needs a steady stream of bad news. It would be nice if someone could contact all the sports writers and only report on his evil ways against animals… or something equally devastating to his football career and endorsements.

  11. I'm with you 1000% on this too.
    I agree with what Ms A said, the people who inflicted this torture should experience some of it themselves. Animals are living, breathing, loving and generally kind creatures. It's inhumane to turn them into fighting, angry and dangerous fighters. That picture made my heart hurt.

    Just look at Chip, he looks great and fortunately has a happy life now.

  12. I love love love the picture of Chip, and excuse my language but Michael Vick is a piece of S**t, pure and simple.

  13. Totally agree and Chip looks like one happy boy now!!! What a happy ending to such a horrible story!

  14. Always enjoy hearing about Chip–can't tell you how heartwarming it is to see him looking so healthy and happy.
    As for your coments on Michael Vick, as far as I am concerned they are right on. I find it hard to call anyone who participates in what he did a human being.

  15. So gratifying to see Chip looking vibrant and healthy. I have no interest- in fact I am repulsed to think of Vick and tune out when the name comes up. I'm 100 percent with you and will never forget the legacy that Chip is building!

  16. I took that stand a while ago…I have absolutely no respect for the man, none!

    And Chip, breaks my heart and makes me happy at the same time to see he has truly "come a long way baby"!!!

    Donna 🙂

  17. Chip's story of healing and finding a new life is one of my all time favorites on any blog. I cannot even think of words to comment on the other aspect of this post because it is just beyond any human decency.

  18. We stopped watching sports in our house years ago….hubby will watch a little college football, but otherwise it no longer interests us. Money has taken over and created nothing but egos and greed.

  19. Michael Vic and the dogs. Paterno and Sandusky. Football is screwed up! On to better and happier things…

    Chip looks fabulous! What a wonderful thing to be able to nurse an animal back to health and give him/her a happy and loving home!

  20. Yay for Chip, I was really worried when you first posted his picture.
    As for that scum bag…how Anyone can think watching dogs fight, sometimes to death is absolutely unthinkable for me. Disgusting. What must that poor dog feel like, makes me want to throw up…makes me want to give Vic some of his own medicine.

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