On kindness

My goal for my 1,000th post was to have
gathered 50 or more random acts of kindness from folks
who came across the blog post either randomly or as frequent readers. 
In the past three days alone, more than 700 people stopped by to read it
according to site stats.
200 today! 
A dozen of you wonderful people told us what you do or have done
as an act of kindness, and I thank you for your particpation in my little “project”. 
  The world is a better place because you are in it.
I learned something here too…. 
I had better not ever quit my day job to become a motivational speaker…

It only takes a little ripple to impact the world for the better.
You don’t require a fat bank account or even spare change.
A simple smile or a compliment or the bringing in of a newspaper,
the returning of a shopping cart,
 can be worth a million dollars. 
Believe it. 
β€œKind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” 
― Mother Teresa
β€œMy religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.” 
β€œNo one has ever become poor by giving.” 
― Anne Frankdiary of Anne Frank
Using random generator online,
comment number 7 was chosen.
Susie2, you’ve won the give-away!
Please e-mail your mailing address and full name
to karenthisoldhouse@hotmail.com
and I’ll send it out to you right away.

Thank you all