One step forward.. two steps back…

For the past two days, Chip has been feeling more “punky” than usual.  He’s on lots of meds, and now has to take the necessary Ivermectin for the demodex, but his little body is having a hard time fighting off the infection.  If you’re the praying kind…send a few his way, won’t you?

28 thoughts on “One step forward.. two steps back…”

  1. His face looks so sad! Poor thing…praying he can keep his strength up! I hope someone will bring him a wonderful home!

  2. Yes, I am the praying kind, and I'm sending a bunch up for Chip. What a sweetheart.. just heartbreaking to see, but I've seen just as bad or worse before. And there was complete healing. I'll pray the same for the little fella ♥ Tammy

  3. I think about this poor baby more than I thought I would. Poor dear boy.

    I contributed a bit towards his fund as well.


  4. Hi does he have a staph infection along with the mange?My great dane looked exactly like him.I think she was worse she had scabs swelling no hair at all.The dip the vet used she was allergic to,I took her to another vet that put her on something for the staph infection also.I also put her on vitamins to build her immune system.She used neem oil and lav.She has since passed away at 8 years.. but she did come out of it eventually.When she was at the point ur Chip is I feed her cooked liver in rice either beef or chicken.She was allergic to everything.I pray for ur Chip I know exactly what ur going through.I miss her dearly.Can't even bring myself to look at a dane again.Bless the poor fella.Jen

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