Oops I did it again….

   I had this mini chicken coop, you see.  It served its purpose by helping me to raise my newest brood of chicks until they were old enough to join the regular coop group.  That time arrived several weeks ago and so.. an empty mini coop sat idle. 

With nothing in it.

 As it should be.

Unless you are me.

When I was a young girl living on Staten Island where there is not much open land to speak of, if I saw a really big yard that had no animals living in it, I thought “what a waste of space.  Oooh the possibilities!”.   When we took the occasional vacation and drove out into the countryside, should there be an open field that had no horses living in it… I again thought “what a waste of space. Oooh the possibilities!”.

So, you know… the empty coop.

Empty no more.

Say hello to Harley & Cloud, because I simply could not imagine leaving such potential untapped.


I’ll fill you in on the bunny hutch saga in the next post….
Because a coop just ain’t a hutch.  –