Oops I did it again.

 Day One – 2012
Initial thoughts:  
Look at the dirty floors
oh my aching back
loving that pile of dishes in the sink
WHY are the chickens picking on that one poor chicken!?
Son is off on his scooter with friends again..
will everyone please exit the roads, back away slowly with your hands up
until he returns safely?
I caught myself.
How I reversed the negative thought process:

38 thoughts on “Oops I did it again.”

  1. A walk on the beach is soooo good for the soul.

    I don't think we can stop worrying about the chickens. Their pecking behavior to establish rank and order is not easy to watch. But it works for them and so it continues.

    Lovely photos. I especially like the sand. East Coast sand is so different than ours, it seems to have more texture.

  2. Happy New Year to all of you!

    Who wouldn't cheer up from a bit of sun, sea and sand? Great shots. Some very alien looking things there (not talking about the man with dog, and not meaning your lovely self ;-)).

    I'm off to walk the dogs in the pouring rain now. Will try to follow in your footsteps and think happy thoughts 😉

  3. That's where the term pecking order comes from…still not easy. Chickens can be so sweet and so mean. I only have experience with a hen and a rooster we inherited when my daughter was in first grade! I fell in love wit h chickens then…who knew? The hen is still alive and well in our cousin's hen house…she. Is 5 now and "rules the roost". the nearest beach to me is 6 hours away.thanks for sharing.

  4. Wow I could look at pics of the beach anytime nothing is more relaxing than the ocean at sunset or sunrise or the wind blowing. Its hard sometimes to keep things relaxed life gets in the way!

  5. Ahhhhh…even I'm more calm now. There is nothing like the beach, nothing. I miss it more and more living up here! I know about those negative thoughts and they really can take over. Deep breathing is always good! That photo of the purple piece of kelp in your fingers is totally stunning!!! Thanks for sharing these lovely photos, Karen! xo

  6. I love your photos! My favourite place in the world is being by an ocean. But alas I live in southwestern Ontario far from any ocean. So your photos are refreshing, My DH and I are all ready for our cruise then I will be surrounded by water! Happy New Years.

  7. Beautiful photos! It's all about the lighting isn't it??? I need to visit Hammo soon with my camera. Thanks for the inspiration!!!

  8. Beautiful photography. Love the serenity of the ocean. We just bought a new camera and are experimenting. Thanks for sharing. I am your newest follower…Happy New Year! Linda

  9. Son of a beach… I think you plan worked out just fine. 🙂

    What is the "thing" in the second photo?

    All the best in 20-12!

  10. Beautiful, beautiful images! I always worry about my kids too…and now I worry about my grandkids! I don't know if that is a negative…or just an affirmation of how precious life is…I'm going for the #2 thought- xo Diana

  11. As long as the negativity doesn't trickle from your brain out of your mouth and into your words you will be just fine… :-))

  12. I love all your pictures and envy your closeness to tne ocean. I have only got to go to the ocean maybe 4 or 5 times.
    I would be there every chance I got if I were you. Forget the dishes they aren't going anywhere. If it was warm enough I would be riding my scooter,and hopefully your son will be just fine.

  13. Oh mercy, how I'd love a walk on the beach right about now. We're in the midst of six inches of snowstorm; welcomed but still, a walk on the beach…sounds lovely.

  14. The water is always a good negativity reliever… wish I were close enough to enjoy the ocean on a regular basis. There's always pictures though to soothe the beast within.
    Love your photos as always.

  15. Exactly the reason I was wanting a camera, to focus my thoughts outward and not stress and dwell on the negative stuff in my head!

    What is the second photo???

  16. Gorgeous gorgeous photos! What is the thing you are holding in the third picture? I can't figure it out. The seagull flying is stunning! If being at the beach doesn't make it all o.k., I don't know what does!

  17. After 2 weeks away, I'm finally catching up with my favorite blogs! Thanks so much for including me in the Christmas Day post, it was lovely and a so fun to read…. great thinking!
    Ohhh what I wouldn't give for a beach walk! It's been too long. But the photos made me feel like I was there and I didn't even bring home any sand in my shoes! 🙂

  18. Wow! Thanks for all the inspiration. I loved all your photos, and your header is phenom! I have always loved that Andrew Wyeth painting and my dog lays on my pillow just like that but I can never get a photo. No matter how hard I try to quietly sneak off to get the camera before he moves, he follows me and I loose the shot! Your photos just keep getting better and you have an amazing eye, as they say, for capturing the moment. Happy New Year and BLESSINGS! Tia
    P.S. Your condo restoration is awesome. I'd love to move right in, thank you;)

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