The Paris Wife

 This book surprised me. I thought I knew all I really wanted to know about Ernest Hemingway, but author Paula Mclain has written an  intriquing, heartbreakingly honest, beautifully written take on his deeply complex relationship and early Paris life (another world entirely!)  with first wife Hadley Richardson.

  What I noticed immediately was that Mr. Hemingways’ artistic genius and cerebral torment were evident early on.  The story is told through Hadley, a truly  remarkable woman who stoicly supported the man  and his madness through the lean years as he struggled to make a name for himself.  Ernest’s first novel  – The Sun Also Rises  – was based on their experiences together during those years, although Hadley was left out of the book entirely. 

  Great read –

9 thoughts on “The Paris Wife”

  1. I read this book too. I have always felt sorry for Hadley. He was a difficult man. I wonder how different their lives would have been if she had not gotten pregnant.
    Just finished reading Alice B Toklas, an autobiograohy of Gertrude Stein. Stein wrote it as if she was Alice. Not an easy read but an interesting view into the lives of the Parisian bohemians and artists. Hemmingway figures in that book too.

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