Peace on earth…

…requires dogs and beaches, I’m convinced.
“Dogs are our link to paradise. They don’t know evil or jealousy or discontent.
 To sit with a dog on a (beach)on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden,
where doing nothing was not boring–it was peace.”
― Milan Kundera

“You think those dogs will not be in heaven!
 I tell you they will be there long before any of us.”
― Robert Louis Stevenson

“No matter how close we are to another person, few human relationships are as free from strife, disagreement, and frustration as is the relationship you have with a good dog. Few human beings give of themselves to another as a dog gives of itself. I also suspect that we cherish dogs because their unblemished souls make us wish – consciously or unconsciously – that we were as innocent as they are, and make us yearn for a place where innocence is universal and where the meanness, the betrayals, and the cruelties of this world are unknown.”
― Dean Koontz,

“I have found that when you are deeply troubled,
there are things you get from the silent devoted companionship of a dog
that you can get from no other source.”
― Doris Day 

“Spiritual fulfillment doesn’t have to mean belief in a religion or disbelief in science.
 … Whether one believes in an unseen, all-knowing force,
or the wonder of science and the universe,
or simply the beauty of the human spirit,
 nearly every one of feels an inner longing
to feel part of something bigger than ourselves.”
― Cesar Millan – The Dog Whisperer.

16 thoughts on “Peace on earth…”

  1. Ah Karen, you have hit the nail on the head…and reminded me how lucky I am to have some precious pooches in my life.

    My husband was on the yard today with his picker truck…I look out and lo and behold the mammoth dog house that came from parent's house was hauled all the way over here for our big wolfhound we got in the spring. Now his teeny house will be no longer…and I think my husband felt bad when he was curled up in the straw this morning.

  2. This is the first time in my entire married life that we have been without a pooch. Rufus our wonderful cocker crossed the bridge this past July, and sometimes I still think I hear him around the house. We have decided not to get another dog until we are no longer going to the southwest for winters. But that doesn't mean I don't miss their loving spirits.

  3. Agree with everything you and those other people said. Man's best friend for sure. Never hold grudges, are never mad at you, forgive you in a heartbeat.
    Can't wait to get home tomorrow to my 2 dogs.
    Nice post.

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