
 My chicks from have arrived!  The box actually read “Randall Burkey”, so that’s the hatchery they are originally from.   As promised, the postmaster called me when the came in, and I was down there within 15 minutes. Those poor babies hadn’t eaten or had water since they hatched!

Meet Dorothy, Sophia, Blanche, Rose, Gracie, Giselle (hello Sallys girls)
 Lucy and Ethel 

They all look pretty healthy and are eating,
drinking and pooping with stellar performance.
So far, so good.

They ate the grow gel (green stuff) and chick crumbles
 and drank more water than I thought they could hold

 I did check for eggs this morning,
 nothing yet. 

27 thoughts on “Peeps!!!”

  1. Awwww~lawsy mercy, how cute and sweet!! I'm excited for you chicky mama!!

    I'll show the girls next time they're here. Hunter will especially be so excited! 🙂

  2. I am in LOVE! Dorothy, Sophia, Blanche, Rose, Gracie, Giselle, Lucy and Ethel… you had best get busy laying eggs! Cutie pies and they are gonna love living in paradise, i.e. the new coop!

  3. So sweet and adorable! Love the names and can't wait to watch the growing process.

    I guess an egg carton makes a perfect feeding trough for them, lol.

  4. You are going to enjoy them so much. The are cute and funny. My daughter's 1st grade class hatched a bunch of baby chicks and we raised them until they were grown. We live in the city but our relative took the hen in and she is doing well…her name is Martina. The other chick was a rooster and we kept him for a long time and we gave him to another friend who lived in the country and always wanted a big red rooster!

  5. Congratulations mama hen! lol They are adorable aren't they?! Noisy too! I love the names too…did you know that I too have a Lucy and Ethel?? That's too funny! Lucy is one of my R.I. Reds and Ethel is a Barred Rock. My other R.I.Red is Henny Penny.Why did I not come up with a name like Rose?! Well that gives me an idea for my next chicks in the future…name them after my favorite roses! Well have fun and enjoy them because like with all things they grow super fast!!

  6. You got your peeps!!! So happy for you!!! I'm sure you will enjoy them as much as I enjoy mine!!! Congratulations!

    Have a great Easter!!!

  7. Karen, you crack me up! I have so enjoyed catching up here this morning. Your chicks are adorable (of course).. congrats on your new babies. Aren't they fun? Just wait until they get older and start misbehaving.. just like teenagers, they are. -Tammy

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