People let me tell ya ’bout my best friend

    Can anyone tell me where that line came from?   It should apply to our canine companions, truly wo(man)’s best friend.  So much we could learn from them, should learn from them.  They live in the moment, they forgive as quickly as the offense took place, they love unconditionally, they accept everything as it is, they don’t judge, their needs are so very simple. Uncomplicated beings.  If only we could all follow suit.  Alas, we are far too complex a creature. 
  I am lucky enough to work from home, whether it’s on the farm out back or in this house as it’s domestic engineer or at this computer editing, editing, editing. My coworkers are my dogs. Right now as I sit here typing, they surround me contented that I am near, the rat-tat-tat of the keyboard lulling them to sleep.   Their presence in my daily life is a treasure and I know many of you feel the same for your canine family members. 
   While I may feel  a little lost in this empty nest at times…. these characters keep me grounded with their expressions, their pure joys, their contentment at living in the moment in the company of the peoples that they love.  There are some that say dogs don’t feel or understand love.  I say they’ve never lived with a dog, never truly loved a dog. Because if they did, then they would know a whole new language and perhaps gain a new respect for these beings we are so lucky to have in our presence.  Is there any mistaking the look on that face above… he knows by the jangle of the car keys in my hand that I am going out on an errand and he is staying behind.  
  I’ve got a dog biscuit recipe to share with you today – the person who gave the recipe to me calls them Newf bars because she has a giant newfoundland  named Carbon who loves them. 
Home Made Newf Bars for Dogs

6 cups oatmeal
4 eggs
1/3 cup honey
1 cup milk 
2 mashed bananas (optional)
2 cups whole wheat flour
1/4 cup oil
1/4 cup molasses
1 large can solid pack pumpkin (also optional)

Preheat oven to 325. Grease cookie sheet that has lip. Dump all ingredients in large bowl. Mix the whole mess together using your hands (easiest- and tip: remove rings beforehand).  Pat onto greased cookie sheet and bake for 1 hour. Turn off oven, crack door open and allow cookies to cool in the oven. Break into whatever size you want.  These freeze really well too.