Picking it up where you left it

 I envy all you folks out there who manage to keep yourself on a consistent fitness schedule regardless of how busy your life might be.  I am not one of those people.  It might have something to do with the fact that for about an hour each day I am doing physical work outside with the horses, chickens, etc shoveling manure, lugging water buckets, hay, raking and sweeping the isle. Or it might be my tendency toward procrastination.   I have learned not to beat myself up over the lapses in exercise.  It is what it is… and what it ISN’T is an excuse to  not pick it up again.

 So if you find yourself stopping and going like me… don’t let that STOP you from GOING again.  Pick it up when you can, and maybe even push yourself to do it.  It’s important for our mental and physical health, all of us.  For me, walking the dogs a few miles a day is what I stick with most successfully.  Choose what you like to do and you’ll be more likely to make it a habit. I know I’ll never be a gym rat (not that there’s anything wrong with it) . The  treadmills, stairmasters, elipticals, etc. resemble a hamster wheel to me.  Walking outdoors keeps my mind busy and the view in front of me everchanging.

Yesterday I took Ben and Frasier for a walk in the woods and it sure felt good.  Autumn is not yet here, but the crisp morning air and few scattered changing leaves tell us it’s just around the bend.  I’m looking forward to it.



 It’s a new day, all –  pick it up again!
And don’t forget to drink plenty of water.