
  It’s not my favorite subject.
Seems to bring out the worst in people…
and the best in them too, when they are genuine.
There-in lies the rub.

There has been a group formed in our town 
 who’s tactics involve spinning out incorrect facts
and throwing genuine, dedicated, hardworking people under the bus
with their nasty approach.
I was in a pissing contest with one of these men on a local news forum…
because I could no longer tolerate,  the incorrect information
and the mud throwing. 
The way I see it, if you think you have a better way of doing things,
you have the right to voice them.
State your mission.  Period.
After the 14th “reply”…
my mother sent me this old irish quote.
 I took the advice.
“Sometimes its better to walk away and leave him to the height he grew”.
Thanks, Mom.

19 thoughts on “Politics”

  1. Your mom sounds wise. I know someone who grew up in Tennessee and her mom used to say, "This is the hill I'm dying on." They won't listen to reason because they are not reasonable people.

  2. Some people simply have no common sense, when it comes to politics or anything else in life. For them it is only about being the winner, whether they are right or not. Seems to be a great deal of that in our society any more. I don't even bother arguing with them anymore. I simply cast my vote.

  3. I'm not political, only opinionated. Thank goodness my opinions are always the the most sane and logical, when I can remember them. jk

  4. I was a bit sidetracked by the ghoulish feel to the blog- awesome job! Love the header and would love for you to do a tutorial sometime on how you achieve the look of your headers!!

    I detest politics, but loved your mom's Irish quote 🙂

  5. Ah yes, us Irish are very smart people. Great saying. It's too bad not even all the Irish can adhere to those words all the time, my self included. Politics does sort of ramp up the heat doesn't it?

  6. Ah, you know-what they say about arguing politics and religion! I'm not nearly as political as I was when I was younger–not sure why but I never saw such ugliness in the blogging community as in the last couple of elections. I decided to keep my toe out of that stream! Of course cowgirls shouldn't be afraid of a little fight, but I guess I'm mellowing as I get older–or maybe I'm just plain TIRED!


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