
 I’ve got to hand it to my daughter …. she is one dedicated horsewoman.  I love my horses, I do.  And I get out there and do what I have to for their well being – feed, clean, clothe, etc.  But when it comes to these cold winter days, my horse gets a big fat vacation from anything that resembles work… because I don’t ride in this kind of weather, nope, not doing it.

 I took these pictures around 8:30 this morning and it was gawd -awful  cold.   Max and K have been practicing for  the approaching show season and some of these classes are new to K… showmanship, horsemanship, trail.    While 17 year old Max knows most of the ropes, K is still learning.  Sometimes Max takes advantage of the newby and says… ” what? huh?… you want me to do… what?  I can’t HEEEEEEAR yoooooou….la la la la la la ….)    Horses are not as stupid as some people might have you believe.  K has learned how to answer that little “duh”  gimick and now Max might try it now and then, but he quickly realizes it doesn’t work and gets right down to business.

Fearless leader Heidi
There were others in the lesson, but I didn’t want to invade their privacy.
Still handsome after all these years…
We went shopping last weekend with Christmas money
for a show outfit for K.
Great time of year to do it – buy one get one free, 30 percent off, etc. etc.
The boots are now zip-up-the-back-of-the-calf.
BIG change from years ago.. when we had to hop up and down,
swear worse than truckers (no offense, truckers..i happen to like to swear)
and pour baby powder down the boot to get the dang things on.

11 thoughts on “Practice”

  1. I'll say Kirsten is brave being in that weather. But look how great she's doing and I love her new habit (is it habit or is that what nuns used to wear?) Whatever, she's a beautiful young lady, and I wish her the very best! 🙂

  2. Nice outfit! She looks ready to score! And Max…what a beauty he is. I don't ride in this weather, either. Just took a peek at the horses when I went out to feed the birds. They were sleeping on their feet…and filthy dirty after rolling. I think they are very happy having a vacation!

  3. That brings back memories, try riding in a snowmobile suit! Thats what we did in the winter in MN. And we didnt have an indoor either. The horses got as furry as a bear and we couldnt work them hard cause they couldnt dry if they sweated with all that fur. Spring was a trip with all the shedding. We moved from the east coast where everything was English and in MN there is as much Western, trail and halter classes, etc. My old Thoroughbred learned new tricks as we both learnd Western and had a ball showing in both. Best years of my life!

  4. Oh! I forgot to tell you that while we were out and about a couple of weeks ago, we stumbled across a bunch of jackets and "show" wear…I was shocked at the prices!!! Wow! Good thing you hit up the sales!! Good for K for keeping up the practice!! Practice makes perfect…or so they say!

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