
  See.. this is one of the awesome things about blogging…

 Beth over at  – Be yourself, everyone else is taken – casually mentioned that she’d be at the beach for the next month.  Seeing as she resides in a snowy state,  I was curious as to where the heck she went.  The lucky girl  is currently a resident of Seaside on the Gulf Coast Pan handle of Florida.  If you’ve never been…  the waters are the most beautiful shade of emerald green/blue and the sands are sugar white.  My grandmother lived nearby in a gulf front condo on Panama City Beach and we visited Seaside often.

 “The original vision of founders Robert and Daryl Davis, Seaside is the heart of Northwest Florida’s Emerald Coast along the scenic Highway 30A corridor. Beautiful, unique residences and guest houses blend seamlessly with pristine beaches overlooking the crystal clear waters of the Gulf Of Mexico. Seaside is designed to reflect a simpler time, when meals were shared, stories entertained and walking was how people got around.”

  I had a dream of one day owning one of these awesome seaside “cottages”… their vibrant colors and big porches and quaint walkways are so welcoming.  There’s an awesome artisans outdoor market in good weather. The problem is real estate is at a PREMIUM down there on the gulf coast and it’s only gotten more expensive in recent years. 

  There was, however, this tiny pink/peach cottage that I adored. It had the name “Precious”.  I thought.. well, some day… perhaps Precious will fit the budget.  I was so enamored with Precious when I last visited that I took photos and came home to paint a small portrait with my then four year old daughter standing in front.  Now I’m not a true artist in the paint medium, my work tends to be flat. But I still try now and then for the joy of it and I do cherish this little painting from 17 years ago.


When Beth told me where she was I gave her a photo assignment. It’s been 17 years since I last saw Precious. Could the tiny house still be as it was? Seaside has grown tremendously and it was quite possible she no longer existed. This morning I glanced at my blog roll.. and… THERE SHE WAS!!!
   Beth found her, in need of attention and now a mere guest cottage to a much larger home.  She is still… Precious.   And so is Beth…   thank you, thank you for finding my old friend.   Now that Precious is a guest cottage, I know for sure she is out of my league.  One can always dream.

19 thoughts on “Precious”

  1. Such awesomeness between bloggers and it's just so neat that the little place is still there. I know that if it was yours that you would take better care of the yard though. It's sooo sweet!


  2. oh my God…your painting is PRECIOUS!!! Seaside is magic, and even more magical is the fact that I am going there to visit Beth next week! What a precious post, and oh that Beth…she can jump… I am ready to send her a challenge! Happy to meet you!

  3. Karen, you are quite the artist there girl. That is awesome! I love Seaside, too. My dad lives in Destin and used to be a realtor now finally retired. Just get you a two or three million and buy that vacation home. I will come visit. She is lucky to go stay there during the winter. No prettier beaches for sure.

  4. Karen – what a beautiful painting and post about Precious. I can see into the future that you'll have 2 lovely little cottages… one in Seaside and one on MV in the Campground 🙂

  5. Oh I love this! I had no idea when I read Beth's post that she was talking about you 🙂 It has to feel like seeing an old friend, especially when I see how much you love old houses. Very cool that she found it and took a picture for you!!

  6. Oh. My. Good. Gracious.

    What a crazy small world. Blogging is how I travel. While I'm really stuck on a farm in Alberta—today my heart felt a little of that coast…

    And my dear lady, your painting is what? You said flat?!? That painting is out of a storybook…it's amazing…

    and this whole lil post just lifted my heart! 🙂

  7. OMG Kar! That is SUCH a great blog! And since it's a guest house, go stay there!!! But you have to take me! One of your BFFs!!! Love this story and the painting is amazing. You need to make some $$$$ doing what you love. XXX

  8. What a small world! I'm glad you got to see Precious again. And it is precious – I would love to live in one of those little cottages.

    As for claiming you are not an artist, that is a pretty amazing painting!


  9. First of all I love your new blog header! And secondly, wow! Your painting is beautiful as so is your beloved Precious! Maybe one day she'll be your very own guest house…you can always dream, like the song says. How sweet of your friend to find it and photograph it for you!

    Kat 🙂

    P.S. I saw Les Mis in London and love the music!!!

  10. whoa….you never told me you painted "precious" did you ?
    what an artist you are !!!
    and wow, 17 years since you last saw "precious" and it's still there and pink and well, just wow.
    thanks again for the challenge !!!

  11. I knew you were very creative, but didn't know you are an artist! Love the picture, and that was so nice of your friend to find Precious for you and take a pic. 🙂

  12. How cool is this?!! Karen, you have so many hidden talents! I didn't know you like to paint. Love your rendition of the little cottage…awesome! Follow your dreams girl… a quote for you from one of my favorite poets…

    Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love ~ Rumi

  13. What a great story! That is a lovely little painting! The cottage is adorable~ no wonder you were enamoured. So cool she found it and what a fun picture of her.
    Now you must go back again.

  14. Now that is synchronicity! I adored that cottage when I first saw it on Beth's blog…but to see it in your painting…what a wonderful connection! This is what makes blogging truly fun:)

  15. love, love, love this post; how wonderful a gift. Those are the kinds that warm a frosty evening and make a day brighter. love the cup and saucer as well, both in your post and as your header photo. that's the kind I like best…it feels good in your hands and looks great in the morning light. what another wonderful gift!

  16. I just love this post and love Precious! That was super sweet of your friend to find it for you. I love that area down there. Actually anywhere from Perdido down to Fort Walton is heaven to us. We dream of one day having a place as well. Hope you are keeping warm!

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