Project 12 – Andy of North Carolina

 Andy is a blogger from North Carolina.  He is manager of his family’s BP Station and has mapped out his Monday for us for the first installation of Project 12.

6am – Opening shop

7am – ordering gas by gallons
Going over weekend invoices and making courtesy calls to customers

11am – Lunch same place almost every day

Checking over repair work for customers

Check email for gas prices for today – looks like its down almost 3 cents!‏


5:30 – arriving home – Hugs are the best!

6-7:30pm – Big boys practice basketball…

8pm – playtime for Daddy and little guy.
8:45 – Help big brother with homework
Boys are asleep , helping getting laundry caught up and going to see what the dogs having a fit about.‏


10pm –  first time I’ve sat down.
 I have 30 minutes till bed to relax by fireplace and watch alittle tv‏.
(Well deserved, Andy!)

14 thoughts on “Project 12 – Andy of North Carolina”

  1. an extremely busy guy/dad. his 75 hour work weeks are enough to tear anyone down, yet he makes time for kids and home, too. and blogging! 🙂

  2. Exhausting- and yet I can relate! Every possible minute seems to be calling for the next thing to be done 🙂 Thanks for sharing your day with us- those kiddos are lucky to have such a hard working father in their life!

  3. I had to do a double take when I arrived here because it sure did look like that this old house I was used to. I guess if I came around more often I wouldn't be so surprised good job Andy.

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