Project 24 – Christmas Day 2012

Wow, what a fantastic turnout for this Project 24.
Thank you all for participating.
May we all enjoy a Happy, Healthy, Peaceful New Year –

 – Karen

1am -Cindi, Florida” Icicle lights. It was raining hard at the time.

 We were in a tornado and thunderstorm watch. “
2am – Mark, Sabine River
“A crew member sits outside the door, phone in hand,

alone with his thoughts, sending Christmas greetings home”

3am – Kate, Denver, Colorado
“The emptiness and silence of new snow on a sleeping city, Christmas morning.”

4am – Ms. Anthropy, Texas
 “After an evening spent in a house full of people, twelve of them young, hyper kids,
I’m exhausted. I plan to spend the rest of Christmas day recuperating.
I survived another one and I’m relieved it’s over.”
5am – Vicki, somewhere in the South 
Not what I had planned to send but we have no power from ice/snow
and I took this pic of Froto this morning on my phone.”
(A+ for effort, Vicki!)

6am – Cheyenne, rural Alberta, Canada
“Chores Christmas morning……-26C”

7am – JP, Connecticut
“Christmas Blessed”
8am – Karen, Connecticut
“Our living room, with a dusting of snow outside for a perfect
Christmas morning.  The Mr. and I waited patiently for our grown and
almost grown children to wake up and let the festivities begin.”

9am – Saara, New Finland
“Just planning to get up after yesterdays Christmas celebration.
 (In Finland we celebrate Christmas at 24th and the Christmas Day is usually really silent,
slow and lazy – we do nothing, just rest and eat well.)”

10am – Andy,  North Carolina
“Brunch at Moms
11am- Tim, Connecticut 
We were still waiting for the grandchildren and our kids to arrive.”

12 noon – Diane, Blue Ridge Mountains
Just a bulb on the monkey tree glowing at noon.
 It was a dreary day but we ate well and made it through”.

1pm – Sally, Florida

“Enjoying the great-grands and reminiscing”….

2pm – Vicky, Minnesota
“Classic Minnesota cold and frosty Christmas Day.
It was -12 when we awoke! Definitely stings the toes and bites the nose!!”

3pm – Diane, Florida
“Our little snowman’s first trip to the Ocean! Canaveral National Seashore”
4pm – Karen, This Old House, Connecticut 
“Table set for Christmas Dinner.  Feeling very blessed
to be able to put good food on the table and share it with family”.  

5pm -Deborah, Minnesota 
“It’s the small things that get you through :’) “
6pm – Kate – Chronicles of a Country Girl,  Maryland
“Taken just after dinner, this is my niece Colleen. Her dad is my husband’s younger brother. We always have Christmas dinner at my in-laws home in NJ. They are from England so we have Christmas crackers and we wear these lovely paper hats during dinner and read all the bad jokes that come from the crackers. It’s wonderful.”  

7pm – Joey, Connecticut 
JOY takes it’s form in many ways on this Christmas day…but also, every day. 
 You only need to seek it out and catch it.”

8pm – Joan, New Jersey
“Unfortunately an uninvited bug was one of my gifts today
and so the first picture is pretty much how I spent Christmas.”
My dad was a police officer in Newark NJ and worked for awhile in the emergency squad. The guys would busy themselves with projects between emergency calls. This was one of them. That 5 ft Santa was drawn on thick plyboard by my dad in 1956. He brought ours home and my mother and I painted it… it took almost a week to finish him. I love how the buttons are on the wrong side, and I love that it’s probably the only project the 3 of us did together…but most of all I love that Santa looks just like my dad. This is a family treasure and we all love him.”

9pm – Kate, British Columbia
“My life on Christmas Day…unfortunately I came down with that horrible flu
that seems to be going around and spent most of Christmas Day and all of Boxing Day in bed. 
 I crawled out of bed long enough to take a picture, crawled back in and that was Christmas!”
10pm – Beth, Wisconsin –
“This photo is just a tiny part of the best gift I  received on Christmas day.” 

11pm – Nancy, Wyoming 
Looking through the quiet house last night for my 11 p.m. slot I came across this and didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. One of our grandsons thought the undecorated tree made a good nest for this ostrich beanie baby. Not the dreamy after Christmas photo I had planned, but it certainly represents The holiday this particular year! And it was taken with my new iPad, a nice surprise from my sweetie of 46 years!”

Midnight – Sandra , Virginia-
“Knitting…and knitting my life back together.”

22 thoughts on “Project 24 – Christmas Day 2012”

  1. Wooooow! How lovely collection! ItΒ΄s so nice to see what all of you have been doing or thinking, thank You Karen for arranging this again! Maybe the next time of Project24 will be around Easter? πŸ™‚

  2. I love these pictures! So fun to see all the different viewpoints.

    As for Gone Girl, I did like it. It was surprising and shocking at times. Yes, the characters are quite evil – but isn't that how suspense novels often are? You gotta have some bad guys – it's just that the bad guys are particularly twisted in this one. If you like suspenses, I think you'd like it.

  3. I love it it turned out so good !!! I love everyone's pictures !!! We have to do this again soon very fun ! Thanks k for doing this ! Happy new year to all of you

  4. I love it, too Karen! Just perfect…something different from each person! A snapshot in time! I'm so glad we do this from time to time. It always amazes me! Sweet hugs and thanks!

  5. Awww, Thistle Cove photo made me sad.

    I always love your projects, Karen, and it's fun to participate even though I'm late with my photo. *winks*

  6. Okay, dropped the ball on this one. I have my 4pm photo, I just totally neglected to get it to you. Your 11th hour replacement is lovely.

    Looking at Christmas from other people's images is wonderful!

  7. Karen – I love it… everyone was so creative and it was nice to see Christmas from other points of view.
    I have to say that my favorite though is…. ALL OF THEM πŸ™‚

  8. These are wonderful! Each unique in its own way.

    I'm sorry so many were ill; but have to say it's going around here also. So you guys get well soon!

    Thank you, Karen!

  9. I'm not sure why, but the collection brought me to tears this morning. So much love in each of the pictures… even the ones taken by those who were down with a flu bug. I especially liked the last one… "knitting and knitting my life together." I am so "there" right now. Thank you for doing this, Karen. Thank you.

  10. I knew I would love this- so unique and fun to see it through the eyes of so many others. I thought it was a honest portrayal of sickness and health, of family and celebration in settings from beaches to snowy sidewalks. I hope those that were sick are feeling better now!

  11. Each photo is so thoughtful. This is such a fun project, Karen! I loved Saara's photo in the last project 24 and love this one equally as much. Vicky is such a classic Christmas card looking photo too…

    Hats off to each one and oh so hoping that the flu bug has passed!

  12. I'm sure this is a lot of work to put together, but it is an absolutely wonderful collection. Thanks for doing this Karen! Happy New Year to you and your family.

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