Project 24 Reminder!

Remember… Halloween! October 31st – 12 midnight to 12 midnight
You’ve all got your assignment…
Read a few posts back for list of participants.. minus the few who have signed up since.
Take whatever strikes you.. just one pic.. in your environment at your time slot.
It can be an outdoor scene, a person doing something,
an inside shot, an outside shot..
your morning cup of coffee…
an event in town, etc. etc. etc. etc.
Give me a brief caption under the photo. No more than a sentence,
 but it can even be just two or three words… up to you.
Let me know the state you are located in too.
You can add town/city only if you want to.
Send it to me ASAP, and as soon as I have all entries I’ll post them.
Thanks to all of you who are joining in.

We’re awaiting the arrival of Hurricane Sandy –

so far, very dark skies, heavy mist and small gusts of wind,
but she isn’t here yet.

Can you believe NYC has closed down their public transportation.. buses, subways, etc?
I grew up in NY, I don’t think that’s ever happened.
Our Governor is saying “We’ve never seen this kind of storm in our lifetime”.
I’m worried about the barn and horses, chickens and coop.

Wish us luck!

24 thoughts on “Project 24 Reminder!”

  1. thanks for the reminder; it's almost daylight and time to head to the barn for chores. it's blowing like crazy, spitting rain, sleet, snow and wind chill is life threatening cold. last night I made sure everyone had food, shelter and water so I slept well. we're told 2 feet of snow although I don't think so…and if it does, it won't stay long, too early in the season.
    batten down the hatches, Karen; it's going to be a big blow!

  2. Hopefully You and everyone else have good news after Sandy on day after tomorrow, when The Project happens! 🙂 Can´t wait!

  3. Now I'm getting nervous, thinking about all the animals. I'm sure yours are fine but there are so many back there without good housing:-/

    Before we had our bigger coop, we had a strong 12-hour storm. I put the chickens in the horse trailer, gave them food and water, and closed the nice tight door. We can get some winds here too, but no hurricanes. Stay safe!!

  4. Yes, wishing luck! I'm going to look it up. I hope it just steers clear. And oh my, I can' fathom getting your windows ready like that…and then YOU wondering around the yard taking pictures. Yikes! I would have been right hunkered down. I hear what you mean about the animals, when we had those tornados this summer, and when I was home for one, I was so worried about the horses and let our big hound in right away and literally was crying about the barn cats….oh my….have to trust it somehow will all work out.

    Yes, I'm on it —at 11AM and I figured if I'm up at some forsaken hour like 2AM with the children I will snap some photos in the night, in case there are others who aren't? Who the heck is getting up at those hours on PURPOSE?

    Anyway, blah, blah, blah—seriously, best of luck—thinking of you this morning.

  5. I'm on the Gulf Coast in Florida and watching with interest all of the preparations that are taking place. We are so used to these storms that we forget that the rest of the country are not. Praying for safety for you and yours.

  6. I will remember ~

    As long as I have power, I will send it to you. Seeing your post is making me wish we had boarded up the breakfast nook window. Oh, geez.

  7. OMG Karen-being from Australia I cant work out where different people are from I just say usa.But reading this post and OMG you are there this is horrible.I will be praying for you and your family as well as others in the area.-love dee x

  8. Thinking of you, hope the storm didn't do any damage in your area. Such a storm, we faced a flood years ago and I'll never forget that feeling.

  9. Thinking of you and saying prayers that you all are safe and warm and- shoot- safe! How the heck did I miss project 24? I so would have done it- its a fabulous idea and I can't wait to see!!

    In the meantime our prayers continue to be with you!

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