Purple Turkeys

 A neighbor and fellow FB person
had this to say about my posted colorful turkey pic. 
I’m pretty sure they aren’t vegetarians,
so I assume the remark was about dying the birds for the occasion.
Heck.. I look at it this way…
those that were outside in a big pen at the turkey farm this morning?
They won’t be on anyone’s table tomorrow!
Lucky ducks!
I set the table last night…
do you do that? Set it ahead of time?
Some of you put together some absolutely beautiful
table settings… I’m just not that organized.
Today I’m baking pies…

and giving Thanks a day ahead of time…
for being able to put a wonderful meal togetherin a warm house
 with family to come to the table
and critters at my feet.

A JFK quote I particularly like…

“As we express our gratitude,
we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words,
but to live by them”
Happy Thanksgiving All –

26 thoughts on “Purple Turkeys”

  1. Your table looks awesome, the turkeys are the opposite of YUCK, they're very cool, and I would love a piece of that pie.

    We're doing the same here, I'm cleaning, my wifes cheese cake almost done and apple pie next, I'm guessing the table will be set in the am.

    Hope you and your family have a great Thanksgiving.

  2. I'm sure your house feels just as warm and cozy as the photos show. I bought pies because I have a kitchen that's too small for all that cooking and baking. And instead of mashed potatoes, I am going to cook the roasted red potatoes with parmesan, right from your blog!!

    I love that quote:-) Happy Thanksgiving. xo

  3. Your table is just beautiful, Karen, and the pie…oh my! You put Martha to shame!

    I love that quote…isn't it the truth!

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family!


  4. Karen – happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Your table looks beautiful, as does your pie.
    The turkeys look festive 🙂

  5. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. We all have so much to be grateful for.

    Your table looks gorgeous. Are those plates Homer Laughlin? I had that set at one time. Lovely!

  6. What a great quote 🙂 and a beautiful table :):) We still have a lot of little kids in our extended family so the parents tend to feel a little nervous if I overdo the table settings too much, but I surely look forward to the day that I can do just that!
    Have a wonderful day tomorrow!

  7. It's wonderful to have family still at home and a big gathering for this holiday! I'm wishing you and your sweet family a Happy Thanksgiving. (I have a post scheduled for tomorrow and I'm pretty sure I am using this same quote…great minds! heehee)

  8. I like that quote, Karen. And I do like your table too. We don't have Thanksgiving here, so I don't have to worry about setting a table. It would be fun, though.

  9. Not organized Karen? Get outta here!! You are SO organized!! Look at that table! Look at those pies!! Awesome, I say!! Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours!! Hope your four footed critters get some turkey!! xo Jeanne, Chloe and LadyBug

  10. Love the JFK quote–must take it to heart.

    Set the table a day ahead? What a great plan! Too bad I have NEVER been organized enough (or enough spare time?) to accomplish such. Yours looks beautiful.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! C

  11. Karen, that quote is so very wise.

    Your table setting looks lovely, and I bet your home smells so cozy and good with all that yummy pie around. It's a regular day here for us, with a lot more snow that poured down again last night…but will remember to be grateful for my warm house, little girl's at my feet and whatever I grub up for lunch.

  12. Love, love the quote. I'll never forget the day he lost his life.

    Your table looks SO pretty!

    I know everything was wonderful.


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