Rainy Day Thoughts on Red and Random stuff

  Black and neutral, beige and white. These are the colors I have always been drawn to. But you know.. as I get older, I’m truly appreciating the full spectrum, even wearing some of it!  …Sometimes.  Red, in particular, has been pulling me in.

  After cleaning out all the holiday stuff, I started throwing out cluttery stuff too.  Which got me to changing up rooms a little, simplifying the look some.   Got me thinking… why am I holding on to all of this STUFF?  George Carlin had a good schtick on STUFF.   

 My kitchen island, which used to be home to the Fairy Garden complete with Betta bowls,  now looks like this….

I bought this heart for $4. at TJMaxx.
It’s heavy in your hand, a little bigger than your palm.
The tray is made from recycled wood and I love it for it’s imperfection.
I bought the heart to remind myself…
to be kind to ME too. To accept me and my own imperfections, finally…
because what I am isn’t so bad after all.
Bad habits die hard, you know.

The master bedroom was beginning to collect clutter, so I simplified there too.
And the look has changed some.
With splashes of red.
This print, from Pier 1,  is part of the deal…
as is this mini chandelier and plantation shutters in the bathroom.
Husband said “Chandelier in the BATHROOM??”
Why ever not.  When did we create such silly, binding rules..
Besides, it’s small and it was cheap.
It reminds me of the bigger one my grandmother had in her dining room
It had dangling crystals like this one.
My eight year old self was sure the Hope Diamond lived among us
right there on Bard Avenue in Nanas little brick house.
 I’ll reveal the finished look when I’m done decluttering.
I’ve also being stewing over the news I’m reading….
, C*sey A*thony’s new look and viral videos, Coach Sandusky’s
disgusting state of “affairs” and J*ran Vand*ersl**t and his hideous non-face.

These are rants I’de like to dispurse,

but to talk about it here would probably attract nut cases.
PS… I tried that Cake in a Cup (see previous post)…
OH my LORD, the stuff is good. And easy.
I mean, who would think …
stir it all up, stick it in a cup and microwave for ONE MINUTE…
and it’s awesome cake goodness.
The myth is true!  Try it and tell me what you think.

22 thoughts on “Rainy Day Thoughts on Red and Random stuff”

  1. Interesting! A healthy transformation that coincidentally comes at the beginning of a new year. With an open mind you embraced change. Good for you!

  2. Thanks alot. Going to make that cake in a cup right NOW. Sigh. Also – I see pinterest in your blog today…BTW – did I tell you I am COMPLETELY addicted to pinterest? It is my new timesucker…well, actually I guess it's not new anymore since I've been on it about 5000 hours!

  3. I have not seen anything in your house that I don't adore! Love the touches of red…always a favorite for this girl. We did remodeling last year and everything is beige, black and white and included touches of red. Actually because I love the touches of red in your house just the right amount…not too much. I love your kitchen the most!

  4. I'm going to get back to my decluttering agenda this weekend. Getting ready for some major cleaning and painting and hopefully, new floors upstairs! Amazing how good it feels to clear out the clutter!
    I've got to try the cake in a cup with grandgirl Julia. She's going to love it!

  5. i love to decorate and re-do things….so much !!

    and like you, i'm a grey, white, black and taupe kind of girl and adding color to ME is so hard !!

    but to my house…..no problem !!

  6. I just need to simplify my closets and lose all of the things that I haven't even used or looked at in 3 years! Just clutter. Good for you for clearing things out…love the red wood tray on your countertop. It's perfect for putting a bright spot in these gloomy winter days.

  7. OK miss Karen the flowers are nice on the island but what got my attention was those yummy looking Brownies in the cake holder 🙂

  8. Love the reds on the island. I love color pops! I am not always brave enough to do it, but I sure do like it! That chandelier is awesome, and I think every bathroom should have one!

  9. I always love your decorating ideas Karen! You would probably faint at my cottage! It is all done in BRIGHT Caribbean colors! The bathroom is done in three different purples…the living room…two different shades of teal…the bedrooms…REALLY bright blue! Lots of splashes of bright pinks scattered around too…you'd have to see it, I guess.

  10. i was just sitting here, staring at the cluttered window sill in front of me and thinking about decluttering myself. your post is a sign! thank you!!


  11. Karen,
    Love the splash of red in your kitchen but what I really love is the chandelier in the bathroom. I shall have to look into that over my garden tub.

    I am feeling the need to declutter after the holidays. I need to clean closets. There is so much I don't use, want or need.

    Can't watch news or discuss news either.


  12. I need to declutter here BIG TIME!!! Feels so good to walk in a room and not see all "the stuff"!!! Can't wait to see the bathroom with that chandelier…love that idea!

  13. Should I ever visit you, do check if the chandelier is still there when I'm leaving again. I could be tempted. Oh, and while your off to check the lighting fixtures in your bathroom, I'll be abducting Ben 😉

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