Randomness in the Rain

 Good morning all – I’m doing what I’m good at.. procrastinating before diving into the housework that’s begging for my attention.  What better way than to purge the many thoughts I have whirling round in my head.


  Rain is a beautiful thing when you’ve got a hundred or so plants in the ground that have just weathered a string of hot humid days.  My hose nozzle clutching hand is thankful.

Knock out roses – the rose for people who want minimal maintenance and maximum show.
It’s a beautiful thing.
Going from pretty to ugly…
I see that J*ran Van der Sl**t is to be married in jail within the next two weeks.
Remember that creep?   Murdered not just one but two young women.
Serving 25 years in a peruvian prison for the proven murder of one.
The other case is still unsolved, but the circumstances are pretty clear.
He’s actually found a 28 year old woman willing to marry him.
What is wrong with this woman??.. 
Seriously.. is she F-ing nuts???
A bigger question is… why is this man allowed to marry?
Once again, the convicted heinous murderer gets to live a life
while his victim(s) lie dead in the ground.
My solution?  Put him and Jodi Ar*as in a cell together and let them have
their way with each other.  With luck, they’ll seduce each other to death,
as they’ve done with their previous victims.
Cleo is sitting contently in her nest this morning..
had to wash those thoughts out of my head, bare with me…

I have been served with a Jury Duty notice.
First of all, with the way I feel about our Justice system,
I wouldn’t be a good juror.
Besides that, I long ago submitted a doctors note that I am hearing impaired,
which excuses a person from jury duty because…you really can’t hear what’s going on. Kinda important.
So I called and asked what has changed, because I still don’t hear well.
“Has your hearing improved in this period of time, m’am?”
um, no. It’s gotten worse as I age. That’s what happens with all hearing impaired people
but hey, if you people have found a solution, I’m all ears! Literally! “
long pause and hold on the other side of the line..
and then an “OK, you are excused once again. You can disregard the notice“.
Jean Stapleton, who played Edith Bunker on that beloved obnoxious show
All in the Family, years ago, has died.  I loved her, I think everyone did.
 When I see those old reruns it always brings me back
 to those sleep overs at my grandmothers house when we’d watch them together. 
 Elsie and Al would light up with laughter
at the antics of Archie and Edith, Gloria and Meathead. 
Seeing them outright giddy was a magic I can’t describe.  
Simpler times, you know?
My quarter horse friends all made it out of Oklahoma safely and are on their way home.
I feel so badly for the people who have lost loved ones or a home in that mess.
They are brave to continue to live there.
As you know from yesterdays post I had a gluten feast yesterday and
I feel crappy today.. I call it the gluten hangover.  I am not a celiac, but there is no doubt
gluten and I have a rocky relationship.  To the naysayers who don’t believe in the gluten sensitive
theory  and think it’s just a diet fad, (my  ex-GP in particular), you are wrong, simple as that. 
 When I eat it, I feel crumby. When I don’t, I feel years younger,
very little arthritic pain, blood pressure stays at a good number, my stomach issues clear up,
my headaches go away.   I believe it’s because the wheat our ancestors thrived on is different
from the GMO (genentically modifed ) wheat of today. Our bodies are rebelling.
It’s time I listen to my body.  I’m done with gluten.
Laundry and vacuuming await…I should really just shut up and get moving here.
I’ll get no help from this lot….
As always, I appreciate that you take the time to stop by here and
especially when you join the conversation and  leave your thoughts on any particular subject.
I apologize for removing Anonymous comments once again,
too much ugly spam, and I do mean perverted ugly.
It’s a new day, all.  I hope you have a great one.

18 thoughts on “Randomness in the Rain”

  1. 1. I love love my knockouts as well! I have them in containers and they do beautifully. I wish they'd release them in lavender!
    2. I, too, am disgusted by the fact that people in jail for such horrible crimes can get married. Seems so foolish. You wonder what is wrong with these people who write prisoners and "fall in love"?
    3. I wonder if "traditional" medicine needs to catch up with modern agriculture? I'm neither a doctor nor farmer so I can't speak on either-but I subscribe to the theory that the increased gluten sensitivity has more to do with the new hybridized wheat and pesticide use.

    Have a great day Karen!

  2. I've had too much bread and other gluten filled stuff this past week and I'm over it. Why do we insist on eating stuff that makes us feel crappy? Ugh.

    That is a pretty rose. We just planted a McCartney and I'm hoping for a few big pink roses as soon as it recovers from the shock of transplanting. My roses never really thrive and I'm sure it's something they need in the soil that I'm not providing. *shrugs*

  3. i love your pups. and am jealous of your good rains. your knockout roses are gorgeous!

    i've never allowed anonymous comments and get almost zero spam – ever – in 3 yrs.

  4. I so agree with you about those two murderers–why do they have any rights?
    Also, I am going to go gluten free–I have found a local gluten free bakery and am going to try their bread–problem is it's $16. a loaf–I will have to find a way to make my own! Saw some rice bread at Kroger's for $3.69, so I will try that first! It's just going to make life so much more complicated! I have autoimmune vitiligo (white spots on my hands) and dry eye syndrome. My eldest daughter has an autoimmune blood disorder where her body attacks its own platelets–Her hematologist said that if you have autoimmune disorders you are much more likely to have Celiac–we haven't been tested, but we both have digestive problems that seem to run in our family! I am convinced that it is true about genetically modified wheat! Makes me so mad they won't quit tampering with our food and it costs so much to try to eat healthy! Have you read The Wheatbelly Diet?

  5. Well I agree with all your thoughts today ! I love knock out roses so easy to maintain ! Ben has the right idea ! Hope you have a wonderful day k

  6. Raining now here, but we need it. What we won't need are the hurricane's that are predicted.

    I love knock out's and yours are beautiful. If and when I ever settle down, I'm going to have them again.

    Oh yes, I agree about the stupidity of the prison system. And, why in the sam hill would a 20 y/o (or any girl/woman) want to be with a murderer. Creepy to say the least.

    Can't comment much on the gluten stuff; maybe i should pay some attention. 🙂


  7. Hi Karen, I adore your knock-out roses, there gorgeous! n love misty morning scenes.
    I bet you feel better but not to sure you should rush into any housework ~:)

  8. I removed my anonymous commenting ability too because of the spam and some of it was downright filthy. Enough is enough. And just so you know, I procrastinate the same way you do with cleaning chores. And your outside patio? With those roses in the rain? Absolutely lovely!

  9. What a gorgeous photo of your garden on a misty, rainy day. It must feel wonderful to see the fruits of your hard labor bear such beautiful results.

  10. Hi Karen,

    It was an overcast day here as well and we got a little much-needed rain. I should have gone to work but worked from home instead. It's still not the same as taking a day off though.

    You are right about the GMO wheat – it's causing lots of problems with lots of people, my younger daughter included. Maybe I should try avoiding gluten to see if it helps my arthritis.

    I didn't hear about Jean Stapleton passing. I still watch the All In The Family reruns at times. It was considered such an outrageous show back then and now look what we watch every day!

    I love your solution for the two creeps. They should be together!

    Wish I didn't have to work full time so I could stay home more. Since losing Princess, I seem to have lost motivation for doing much of anything. Probably sounds silly but I don't know what else to blame it on. It's not like me to want to just sit around.

    Have a good week!

  11. Your property looks WAY NICER in the rain than mine. Imagine that.

    Jor@n… I hoped he would get his comeuppance in prison. Guess not. (or comeuppance has changed a whole dang lot)

    Jean Stapleton, love that woman!

  12. Yep…wheat…not the wheat we grew up with in the 50-60s and I am doing much better without since January. And Jean Stapleton. Loved her. Makes me nostalgic for the "good ole days." It does seem that they were simpler times though maybe that is true only because I was a child/young adult and didn't know very much. Now it seems I know too much and feel kind of overwhelmed sometimes. But today is a beautiful day and just breathing this air is a joy!

  13. I couldn't agree with your opening sentiments more. I was disgusted last weekend when I saw a commercial for amovie that is already out about JA. That just makes me sick!

  14. Hi Karen:

    Probably many do not realize that Jean Stapleton and her family spent many summers in south central Pennsylvania–in a small mountain neighborhood called Caledonia PA, which is close to Gettysburg. There, her husband William Putch owned and operated a summer stock playhouse–Totem Pole Playhouse. During those years, Jean performed on the playhouse stage at Totem Pole many times and she and her family performed many acts of kindness and generosity to our community.

    Thought you mind find these articles from our local paper of interest in light of your fondness for Jean:



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